The simplest way to test and deploy your projects.

Easily sync your projects with Travis CI and you'll be testing your code in minutes.

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Now test your Bitbucket-blue projects with Travis CI

Check out our new feature - now you can sign up to Travis CI using your Bitbucket account and connect your repositories!

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Travis CI is trusted by great companies

Features to help you get the job done

  • Get set up in seconds

    Login with your Cloud Platform, tell Travis CI to test a project, and then push. Could it be any simpler!

  • Supports your platform

    Many databases and services are pre-installed and can be enabled in your build configuration.

  • Test your pull requests

    Make sure every Pull Request to your project is tested before it's merged.

  • Deploy anywhere

    Updating staging or production as soon as your tests pass has never been easier!

  • Quick setup
  • Live build views
  • Pull request support
  • Pre-installed database services
  • Auto deployments on passing builds
  • Clean VMs for every build
  • Mac, Linux, and iOS support
  • Connect with Github, Bitbucket and more

Testing your open source
projects is always 100% free!

Seriously. Always. We like to think of it as our way of giving
back to a community that gives us so much as well.

Branch build flow

Push your code to your cloud platform

Travis CI is triggered
to build

Your build passes!

Travis CI deploys
to Heroku

Travis CI tells your
team all is well

Pull request build flow

A pull request
is created

Travis CI is notified the build is mergeable

Your build passes!

Travis CI updates
the PR that it passed

Merge in the PR goodness

We support over
30 different languages.

These are just a few of our most popular languages, check out the full list in our docs .

So many great features, so let's get you started.

Run your tests with Travis CI

Start building now