CUBRID / cubrid log scanlog scanpassingpassing Current Branches Build History Pull Requests Build #9234 Settings Requests Caches More options Requests Trigger build feature/cdc-impl [CBRD-23920] Implement APIs for CDC (#2710) * [CBRD-23920] create cubrid_log.c/h files * [CBRD-23920] declare API functions and struct and make skeleton code for these functions * [CBRD-23920] connect & disconnect to the server * [CBRD-23920] implement the cubrid_log_set_* function series * [CBRD-23920] connect/disconnect to the server * [CBRD-23920] send properties set by the user to the server * [CBRD-23920] implement the cubrid_log_find_lsa function and related protocol * [CBRD-23920] implement some part of the cubrid_log_extract function and related protocol * [CBRD-23920] Implementation of LOG_INFO request and requested data reception in cubrid_log_extract function * [CBRD-23920] Implement the cubrid_log_finalize function * [CBRD-23920] make CUBRID_LOG_ITEM and CUBRID_DATA_ITEM except DML * [CBRD-23920] make CUBRID_LOG_ITEM of DML * [CBRD-23920] disable logical confict after rebase Commit dcbffc5 Compare 6025776..dcbffc5 Branch feature/cdc-impl hornetmj Push event #9234 failed Ran for 4 min 49 sec 4 years ago AMD64 no language set Git Sorry, we're having troubles fetching jobs. Please try again later.