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Topworker_info1Worker information2hostname: d46ccd90-515f-4f46-ad5c-98ff0e71c7df@1.worker-com-54588667bc-knc9k.gce-production-13version: 6.2.22 travis-job-7c4efdcf-5eb7-40e9-9778-2e6271e934ec travis-ci-windows-1809-containers-1592789344-0a98f2fd (via amqp)5startup: 6.395140425s6Secret environment variables are not obfuscated on Windows, please refer to our documentation:$ powershell -Command Set-MpPreference -DisableArchiveScanning \$true9$ powershell -Command Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring \$true10$ powershell -Command Set-MpPreference -DisableBehaviorMonitoring \$true110.15sgit.checkout13Cloning into 'GbArc/devtest1'...14$ cd GbArc/devtest115$ git checkout -qf 31e1411188c7b4656ec06d3077b3bc297d142d19170.15s18Setting environment variables from repository settings19$ export ENV_LANGUAGE_USED=[secure]21$ bash -c 'echo $BASH_VERSION'224.4.23(1)-release25Client: Docker Engine - Enterprise26 Version: 19.03.527 API version: 1.4028 Go version: go1.12.1229 Git commit: 2ee0c5760830 Built: 11/13/2019 08:00:1631 OS/Arch: windows/amd6432 Experimental: false34Server: Docker Engine - Enterprise35 Engine:36 Version: 19.03.537 API version: 1.40 (minimum version 1.24)38 Go version: go1.12.1239 Git commit: 2ee0c5760840 Built: 11/13/2019 07:58:5141 OS/Arch: windows/amd6442 Experimental: false43The command "docker version" exited with 0.45REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED 1809 36aed4b73b9c 2 years ago 1809 96b4b0f16026 2 years ago 251MB48The command "docker images" exited with 0.50The command "winpty docker run -it env" exited with 1.52The command "winpty docker pull ruby:3.0.0" exited with 1.54The command "winpty docker run -it ruby:3.0.0 env" exited with 1.57Done. Your build exited with 1.58stdin is not a tty59stdin is not a tty60stdin is not a tty