macOS-tests check ruby 1.9.2 and jruby with macOS 10.10 - xcode6.4

Push event #3.1 errored

  • Ran for
Xcode: xcode6.4 Ruby: 1.9.2
This is the configuration for all of build #3, including this job
language: ruby
cache: bundler

- 1.9.2
- jruby

os: osx
osx_image: xcode6.4

# deploy:
#   provider: rubygems
#   api_key:
#     secure: KcBpkFaes74KGMm8X/rRA8e13+t3PmkefsAvOAR+iF4g1GyuLSPkP92Fb9vFfsXBph+qmFh5rNa2lIRf/3RXW6COxY7CMMaARxUfJOKE0rmIwF0qfKI+RZDh6abg92iYngunMZVN8WVft6Lv9ZTOYCWxr1Zs1Ll/Rl4PfvHNd1g=
#   gem: travis
#   on:
#     repo: travis-ci/travis.rb
#     ruby: 2.0.0
#     condition: "$(uname) = Linux"
Build Config
  "os": "osx",
  "rvm": [
  "cache": "bundler",
  "language": "ruby",
  "osx_image": "xcode6.4"