phanak-fix-issue-130 Update .pylintrc - disable new check from 2.6.0

This is a quick fix for issue #130. Rules should be enabled with respective code refactoring.

Petr Hanák avatar Petr Hanák

Push event #281 passed

  • Ran for
  • Total time
  • New branch build
The .travis.yml file used for this job is not available
Build Config
  "language": "python",
  "os": [
  "dist": "xenial",
  "sudo": true,
  "python": [
  "env": {
    "jobs": [
        "LXML_VERSION": "3.7.3"
        "LXML_VERSION": "3.8.0"
        "LXML_VERSION": "4.0.0"
        "LXML_VERSION": "4.1.1"
        "LXML_VERSION": "4.2.6"
        "LXML_VERSION": "4.3.5"
        "LXML_VERSION": "4.4.3"
        "LXML_VERSION": "4.5.0"
  "jobs": {
    "exclude": [
        "python": "3.7",
        "env": [
            "LXML_VERSION": "3.7.3"
        "python": "3.7",
        "env": [
            "LXML_VERSION": "3.8.0"
        "python": "3.7",
        "env": [
            "LXML_VERSION": "4.0.0"
        "python": "3.8",
        "env": [
            "LXML_VERSION": "3.7.3"
        "python": "3.8",
        "env": [
            "LXML_VERSION": "3.8.0"
        "python": "3.8",
        "env": [
            "LXML_VERSION": "4.0.0"
  "install": [
    "pip install .",
    "pip install lxml==$LXML_VERSION",
    "pip install -r dev-requirements.txt",
    "pip install -r requirements.txt",
    "pip install bandit"
  "script": [
    "make check",
    "bandit -r -lll ."
  "after_success": [
  "notifications": {
    "email": [
        "recipients": [
        "on_success": "always",
        "on_failure": "always"