knuckleswtf / scribe log scanlog scanpassingpassing Current Branches Build History Pull Requests Build #446 Settings Requests Caches More options Requests Trigger build Pull Request #216 Repaired misspelled path.public argument of app()->get() method Commit e5b77eb #216: Repaired misspelled path.public argument of app()->get() method Branch master ta-ppyszczek Pull request event #446 passed Ran for 51 sec Total time 4 min 56 sec 4 years ago New branch build Build jobs View config Hash 446.1 AMD64 bionic With Dingo router Git 39 sec Hash 446.2 AMD64 bionic Lint code Git 44 sec Hash 446.3 AMD64 bionic PHP: 7.3 Git 45 sec Hash 446.4 AMD64 bionic PHP: 7.3 Git SETUP=lowest 40 sec Hash 446.5 AMD64 bionic PHP: 7.4 Git 43 sec Hash 446.6 AMD64 bionic PHP: 7.4 Git SETUP=lowest 40 sec Hash 446.7 AMD64 bionic PHP: 8.0 Git 45 sec