
Windows builds are in early access stage. Please head to the Travis CI Community forum to get help or post ideas.

This is the configuration for all of build #88, including this job
language: python
install: skip
script: python ./src/
# arch: ppc64le
     - dist: focal
         - lscpu
         - free -h
     #- dist: focal
     #  vm:
     #    size: large
     #  before_install:
     #    - lscpu
     #    - free -h
     - os: osx
       python: "2.7"
     - os: windows
     - os: freebsd

#     - os: linux
#       dist: focal
#       arch: arm64-graviton2
#       virt: vm
#       group: edge
#     - os: linux
#       arch: arm64-graviton2
#       virt: lxd
#       group: edge
#     - os: linux
#       arch: amd64
#       virt: lxd
#       dist: bionic
#       language: python
#       python: "3.6"
#     - os: linux
#       arch: arm64 # ARMv8
#       dist: bionic
#       language: python
#       python: "3.6"
#     - language: erlang
#       otp_release:
#         - "23.0.2"
#         - "22.3.4"
#       before_install:
#         - kerl list installations
#     - dist: focal
#       before_install:
#         - cmake --version
#         - git --version
#         - git --help
#         - hg --version
#         - svn --version
#         - clang --version
#         - llvm-config --version
#     - dist: focal
#       services: mongodb
#       script: mongod --version
#    - dist: focal
#      services:
#        - redis
#        - mysql
#    - dist: focal
#      addons:
#        apt:
#          sources:
#            - sourceline: "deb $(lsb_release -cs)/mongodb-org/4.4 multiverse"
#          packages:
#            - mongodb
#    - dist: focal
#      python: "2.7"
#    - dist: focal
#      python: "3.6"
#   - os: linux
#     arch: arm64 # ARMv8
#     language: python
#     python: "2.7"
#     dist: xenial
Build Config
  "language": "python",
  "os": [
  "dist": "xenial",
  "install": [
  "script": [
    "python ./src/"
  "jobs": {
    "include": [
        "dist": "focal",
        "before_install": [
          "free -h"
        "os": "osx",
        "python": "2.7"
        "os": "windows"
        "os": "freebsd"