Push event #15 failed

  • Ran for
  • Total time
arch: s390x
language: ruby
# rvm:
#  - 2.6.6
# separate test scenarios to separate yml files please and use build config import: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/build-config-imports + https://blog.travis-ci.com/2019-11-11-build-config-imports
  - name: Bionic Ruby 2.6.6 at jobs.include[1].rvm level
    os: linux
    dist: bionic
    language: ruby
    rvm: 2.6.6
      - ruby ./source/ruby_hello.rb
  - name: Bionic Ruby 2.7.5 at jobs.include[1].rvm level
    os: linux
    dist: bionic
    language: ruby
    rvm: 2.7.5
      - ruby ./source/ruby_hello.rb
  # testing basic conditionals
  - name: Bionic Ruby 2.6.6 TRUE
    os: linux
    dist: bionic
    language: ruby
    #rvm: 2.6.6
    if: (env(TEST_FLAG) = TRUE)
      - ruby ./source/ruby_hello.rb
      - echo Test flag is ${TEST_FLAG}
  - name: Bionic Ruby 2.6.6 FALSE
    os: linux
    dist: bionic
    language: ruby
    #rvm: 2.6.6
    if: (env(TEST_FLAG) = FALSE)
      - ruby ./source/ruby_hello.rb
      - echo Test flag is ${TEST_FLAG}
    # add to conditionals testing running build from specific branch (+add branch), allow failure (https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/conditional-builds-stages-jobs/)
    # building branches - https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/customizing-the-build/#building-specific-branches
    # please add cases for build-stages https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/build-stages/
    # - sequence of stages
    # - named stages
    # ==
    # using encrypted variables: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/encryption-keys/
    # ==
    # create a job that does not puts out enything to cli for first 10 minutes - we expect autocancel on that
    # ==
    # create a job that runs for more than 50 minutes (an output to cli must be done with intervals < 10 mins) - we expect autocancel at around 50 minutes mark here
    # ==
    # commit messages: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/customizing-the-build/#skipping-a-build
    # example: do something if commit message has specific value 'docker'
    # if: (branch = master and type = push ) OR commit_message =~ /ship:docker/ OR env(SHIP_DOCKER) = true
Build Config
  "language": "ruby",
  "os": [
  "dist": "xenial",
  "arch": [
  "env": {
    "jobs": [
        "TEST_FLAG": "TRUE"
        "TEST_FLAG": "FALSE"
  "jobs": {
    "include": [
        "name": "Bionic Ruby 2.6.6 at jobs.include[1].rvm level",
        "os": "linux",
        "dist": "bionic",
        "language": "ruby",
        "rvm": "2.6.6",
        "script": [
          "ruby ./source/ruby_hello.rb"
        "name": "Bionic Ruby 2.7.5 at jobs.include[1].rvm level",
        "os": "linux",
        "dist": "bionic",
        "language": "ruby",
        "rvm": "2.7.5",
        "script": [
          "ruby ./source/ruby_hello.rb"
        "name": "Bionic Ruby 2.6.6 TRUE",
        "os": "linux",
        "dist": "bionic",
        "language": "ruby",
        "if": "(env(TEST_FLAG) = TRUE)",
        "script": [
          "ruby ./source/ruby_hello.rb",
          "echo Test flag is ${TEST_FLAG}"
        "name": "Bionic Ruby 2.6.6 FALSE",
        "os": "linux",
        "dist": "bionic",
        "language": "ruby",
        "if": "(env(TEST_FLAG) = FALSE)",
        "script": [
          "ruby ./source/ruby_hello.rb",
          "echo Test flag is ${TEST_FLAG}"