Push event #8 failed

  • Ran for
  • Total time
    - python

node_js: 10

  - postgresql

    - os: linux
      name: "Analyzer, web (sqlite, psycopg2, pg8000) and tools test cases."
      sudo: required
      dist: bionic
      python: "3.6"
      env: CC_MODULE=analyzer
    - os: linux
      name: "Server/client test cases (sqlite)"
      sudo: required
      dist: bionic
      python: "3.6"
      env: DATABASE=sqlite
    - os: linux
      name: "Server/client test cases (psycopg2)"
      sudo: required
      dist: bionic
      python: "3.6"
      env: DATABASE=psql_psycopg2
    - os: linux
      name: "Server/client test cases (pg8000)"
      sudo: required
      dist: bionic
      python: "3.6"
      env: DATABASE=psql_pg8000
    - os: linux
      name: "GUI test cases."
      sudo: required
      dist: bionic
      python: "3.6"
        - xvfb
          - MOZ_HEADLESS=1
        - "export DISPLAY=:99.0"
        - "export PATH=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/build/CodeChecker/bin:$PATH"
      script: >
        make pip_dev_deps &&
        make clean_travis package &&
        npm run --prefix web/server/vue-cli test
    - os: osx
      osx_image: xcode10
      name: "Analyzer test cases"
      sudo: false
      language: generic
      env: CC_MODULE=analyzer
    - os: osx
      osx_image: xcode10
      name: "Server/client test cases (sqlite)"
      sudo: false
      language: generic
      env: DATABASE=sqlite
    - os: osx
      osx_image: xcode10
      name: "Server/client test cases (psycopg2)"
      sudo: false
      language: generic
        - DATABASE=psql_psycopg2
    - os: osx
      osx_image: xcode10
      name: "Analyzer, web (sqlite, psycopg2, pg8000) and tools test cases."
      sudo: false
      language: generic
        - DATABASE=psql_pg8000

    # Download macOS specific extra dependencies.
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then git clone https://github.com/llvm-mirror/clang.git ~/llvm --branch master --single-branch --depth 1; fi
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then brew update-reset; fi
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then brew install doxygen; fi
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then brew install llvm@9; fi
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then export PATH=/usr/local/opt/llvm@9/bin:$PATH; fi
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then export PYTHONPATH=~/llvm/tools/scan-build-py/; fi
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then export PATH=~/llvm/tools/scan-build-py/bin:$PATH; fi
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then chmod a+x ~/llvm/tools/scan-build-py/bin/intercept-build; fi

    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then which clang; which clang-tidy; fi

    # Set the proper Clang versions early in the PATH.
    - export PATH=$HOME:$PATH

    # PostgreSQL is not started automatically on macOS.
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then rm -rf /usr/local/var/postgres; fi
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then initdb /usr/local/var/postgres; fi
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then brew services start postgres; fi
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then while ! pg_isready; do sleep 1; done; createuser -s postgres; fi

    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then pip3 install --ignore-installed nose --user; fi
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then export PATH=/Users/travis/Library/Python/3.7/bin:$PATH; fi
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then pip3 install virtualenv; fi

    # Remove clang symlinks from the travis base install.
    # The update-alternatives changes will not change the used clang version without this.
    # /usr/local is searched for clang binaries before the /usr/bin direcory.
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then sudo rm -rf /usr/local/clang-*; fi

    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang++ clang++ /usr/bin/clang++-9 9999; fi
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang clang /usr/bin/clang-9 9999; fi
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang-tidy clang-tidy /usr/bin/clang-tidy-9 9999; fi

    # Check if the right clang and clang-tidy is used
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then update-alternatives --display clang; fi
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then update-alternatives --display clang++; fi
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then update-alternatives --display clang-tidy; fi
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then which clang++; fi
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then which clang; fi
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then which clang-tidy; fi
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then clang++ --version; fi
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then clang --version; fi
    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then clang-tidy --version; fi

# Run brew cleanup at before_cache stage otherwise, the cache will grow
# indefinitely as new package versions are released.
  - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then brew cleanup; fi
  - rm -f $HOME/.cache/pip/log/debug.log

# Cache downloaded bottles (binary packages) to speed up our build process.
# See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39930171/cache-brew-builds-with-travis-ci
    - $HOME/Library/Caches/Homebrew
    - $HOME/.cache/pip

    firefox: "69.0.1"
    chrome: stable
            - sourceline: 'deb http://apt.llvm.org/bionic/ llvm-toolchain-bionic-9 main'
              key_url: 'https://apt.llvm.org/llvm-snapshot.gpg.key'
            - sourceline: 'deb-src http://apt.llvm.org/bionic/ llvm-toolchain-bionic-9 main'
              key_url: 'https://apt.llvm.org/llvm-snapshot.gpg.key'
            - g++-6
            - doxygen
            - gcc-multilib
            - libc6-dev-i386
            - libpq-dev
            - thrift-compiler
            - clang-9
            - clang-tidy-9
    postgresql: "9.6"

# We will create dist directory to skip installing npm packages and bundling
# the UI. UI specific job will use different script section in a separate job.
    - >
      make pip_dev_deps &&
      make pycodestyle &&
      make pylint &&
      make clean_travis &&
      mkdir -p web/server/vue-cli/dist/dummy &&
      make package &&
      make -C tools/plist_to_html test &&
      make -C tools/report-converter package test &&
      make -C tools/codechecker_report_hash test &&
      if [[ "$CC_MODULE" = "analyzer" ]]; then
        BUILD_DIR=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/build make -C analyzer \
          test_unit \
          test_functional \
          test_tu_collector \
          test_merge_clang_extdef_mappings \
          test_statistics_collector &&
        if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "linux" ]]; then
          make -C analyzer test_build_logger
      elif [[ ! -z "$DATABASE" ]]; then
        make -C web test_matrix_${DATABASE}
        make test
Build Config
  "language": "python",
  "os": [
  "dist": "xenial",
  "node_js": [
  "services": [
  "jobs": {
    "include": [
        "os": "linux",
        "name": "Analyzer, web (sqlite, psycopg2, pg8000) and tools test cases.",
        "sudo": true,
        "dist": "bionic",
        "python": "3.6",
        "env": [
            "CC_MODULE": "analyzer"
        "os": "linux",
        "name": "Server/client test cases (sqlite)",
        "sudo": true,
        "dist": "bionic",
        "python": "3.6",
        "env": [
            "DATABASE": "sqlite"
        "os": "linux",
        "name": "Server/client test cases (psycopg2)",
        "sudo": true,
        "dist": "bionic",
        "python": "3.6",
        "env": [
            "DATABASE": "psql_psycopg2"
        "os": "linux",
        "name": "Server/client test cases (pg8000)",
        "sudo": true,
        "dist": "bionic",
        "python": "3.6",
        "env": [
            "DATABASE": "psql_pg8000"
        "os": "linux",
        "name": "GUI test cases.",
        "sudo": true,
        "dist": "bionic",
        "python": "3.6",
        "services": [
        "env": [
            "global": "MOZ_HEADLESS=1"
        "before_script": [
          "export DISPLAY=:99.0",
          "export PATH=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/build/CodeChecker/bin:$PATH"
        "script": [
          "make pip_dev_deps && make clean_travis package && npm run --prefix web/server/vue-cli test\n"
        "os": "osx",
        "osx_image": "xcode10",
        "name": "Analyzer test cases",
        "sudo": false,
        "language": "generic",
        "env": [
            "CC_MODULE": "analyzer"
        "os": "osx",
        "osx_image": "xcode10",
        "name": "Server/client test cases (sqlite)",
        "sudo": false,
        "language": "generic",
        "env": [
            "DATABASE": "sqlite"
        "os": "osx",
        "osx_image": "xcode10",
        "name": "Server/client test cases (psycopg2)",
        "sudo": false,
        "language": "generic",
        "env": [
            "DATABASE": "psql_psycopg2"
            "POSTGRESQL_VERSION": "9.6"
        "os": "osx",
        "osx_image": "xcode10",
        "name": "Analyzer, web (sqlite, psycopg2, pg8000) and tools test cases.",
        "sudo": false,
        "language": "generic",
        "env": [
            "DATABASE": "psql_pg8000"
            "POSTGRESQL_VERSION": "9.6"
  "before_install": [
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"osx\" ]]; then git clone https://github.com/llvm-mirror/clang.git ~/llvm --branch master --single-branch --depth 1; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"osx\" ]]; then brew update-reset; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"osx\" ]]; then brew install doxygen; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"osx\" ]]; then brew install llvm@9; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"osx\" ]]; then export PATH=/usr/local/opt/llvm@9/bin:$PATH; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"osx\" ]]; then export PYTHONPATH=~/llvm/tools/scan-build-py/; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"osx\" ]]; then export PATH=~/llvm/tools/scan-build-py/bin:$PATH; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"osx\" ]]; then chmod a+x ~/llvm/tools/scan-build-py/bin/intercept-build; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"osx\" ]]; then which clang; which clang-tidy; fi",
    "export PATH=$HOME:$PATH",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"osx\" ]]; then rm -rf /usr/local/var/postgres; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"osx\" ]]; then initdb /usr/local/var/postgres; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"osx\" ]]; then brew services start postgres; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"osx\" ]]; then while ! pg_isready; do sleep 1; done; createuser -s postgres; fi"
  "install": [
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"osx\" ]]; then pip3 install --ignore-installed nose --user; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"osx\" ]]; then export PATH=/Users/travis/Library/Python/3.7/bin:$PATH; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"osx\" ]]; then pip3 install virtualenv; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"linux\" ]]; then sudo rm -rf /usr/local/clang-*; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"linux\" ]]; then sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang++ clang++ /usr/bin/clang++-9 9999; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"linux\" ]]; then sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang clang /usr/bin/clang-9 9999; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"linux\" ]]; then sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang-tidy clang-tidy /usr/bin/clang-tidy-9 9999; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"linux\" ]]; then update-alternatives --display clang; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"linux\" ]]; then update-alternatives --display clang++; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"linux\" ]]; then update-alternatives --display clang-tidy; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"linux\" ]]; then which clang++; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"linux\" ]]; then which clang; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"linux\" ]]; then which clang-tidy; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"linux\" ]]; then clang++ --version; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"linux\" ]]; then clang --version; fi",
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"linux\" ]]; then clang-tidy --version; fi"
  "before_cache": [
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" == \"osx\" ]]; then brew cleanup; fi",
    "rm -f $HOME/.cache/pip/log/debug.log"
  "cache": {
    "directories": [
  "addons": {
    "firefox": "69.0.1",
    "chrome": "stable",
    "apt": {
      "sources": [
          "sourceline": "deb http://apt.llvm.org/bionic/ llvm-toolchain-bionic-9 main",
          "key_url": "https://apt.llvm.org/llvm-snapshot.gpg.key"
          "sourceline": "deb-src http://apt.llvm.org/bionic/ llvm-toolchain-bionic-9 main",
          "key_url": "https://apt.llvm.org/llvm-snapshot.gpg.key"
      "packages": [
    "postgresql": "9.6"
  "script": [
    "make pip_dev_deps && make pycodestyle && make pylint && make clean_travis && mkdir -p web/server/vue-cli/dist/dummy && make package && make -C tools/plist_to_html test && make -C tools/report-converter package test && make -C tools/codechecker_report_hash test && if [[ \"$CC_MODULE\" = \"analyzer\" ]]; then\n  BUILD_DIR=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/build make -C analyzer \\\n    test_unit \\\n    test_functional \\\n    test_tu_collector \\\n    test_merge_clang_extdef_mappings \\\n    test_statistics_collector &&\n  if [[ \"$TRAVIS_OS_NAME\" = \"linux\" ]]; then\n    make -C analyzer test_build_logger\n  fi\nelif [[ ! -z \"$DATABASE\" ]]; then\n  make -C web test_matrix_${DATABASE}\nelse\n  make test\nfi"