db-paths-from-stdin Read path entries from stdin

to (hopefully) get rid of max args errors and such by being able to do:
`git ls-files | artifacts upload -`

Dan Buch avatar Dan Buch

Push event #291.1 passed

  • Ran for
Go: 1.4.2
The .travis.yml file used for this job is not available
Build Config
  "go": "1.4.2",
  "env": {
    "global": [
      "ARTIFACTS_CACHE_CONTROL='public, max-age=315360000'",
  "sudo": false,
  "script": [
    "make distclean all crossbuild",
    "if [[ $TRAVIS_SECURE_ENV_VARS == true && $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST == false ]] ; then ./deploy ; fi",
    "travis_retry ./install"
  "language": "go",
  "before_install": [
    "go get github.com/meatballhat/deppy",
    "go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/cover",
    "deppy restore",
    "go install -a -race std"