Pull Request #10 remove sudo key - bye!

Travis CI uses a single linux infrastructure https://blog.travis-ci.com/2018-11-19-required-linux-infrastructure-migration

María de Antón avatar María de Antón

Pull request event #73 passed

  • Ran for
  • Total time
  • New branch build
    - stage: unit tests
      script: echo one
    - stage: unit tests
      script: echo two
    - stage: deploy to staging
      script: skip
      deploy: &heroku
        provider: heroku
        app: sf-stages-staging
        api_key: $HEROKU_AUTH_TOKEN
        on: sf-stages-demo
    - stage: test staging
      script: 'curl http://sf-stages-staging.herokuapp.com'
    - stage: deploy to production
      script: /bin/true
        <<: *heroku
        app: sf-stages-production
    - stage: test production
      script: 'curl http://sf-stages-production.herokuapp.com'
Build Config
  "os": [
  "dist": "trusty",
  "matrix": {
    "include": [
        "stage": "unit tests",
        "script": [
          "echo one"
        "stage": "unit tests",
        "script": [
          "echo two"
        "stage": "deploy to staging",
        "deploy": [
            "on": {
              "branch": [
            "app": "sf-stages-staging",
            "api_key": "$HEROKU_AUTH_TOKEN",
            "provider": "heroku"
        "script": [
        "stage": "test staging",
        "script": [
          "curl http://sf-stages-staging.herokuapp.com"
        "stage": "deploy to production",
        "deploy": [
            "on": {
              "branch": [
            "app": "sf-stages-production",
            "api_key": "$HEROKU_AUTH_TOKEN",
            "provider": "heroku"
        "script": [
        "stage": "test production",
        "script": [
          "curl http://sf-stages-production.herokuapp.com"
  "language": "ruby"