Pull request event #907.1 passed

  • Ran for
Ruby: 2.3.1
This is the configuration for all of build #907, including this job
The .travis.yml file used for this job is not available
Build Config
  "env": {
    "global": [
    "matrix": [
  "rvm": "2.3.1",
  "dist": "trusty",
  "sudo": false,
  "cache": {
    "apt": true,
    "directories": [
  "group": "beta",
  "addons": {
    "apt": {
      "packages": [
  "script": [
    "git diff --exit-code",
    "git diff --cached --exit-code",
    "if [[ $INTEGRATION_SPECS = 1 ]]; then bundle exec chirp; fi"
  "language": "ruby",
  "after_failure": "bundle exec chirp dumplogs ./log",
  "after_success": [
    "bundle exec chirp pushback",
    "bundle exec chirp sendstats"
  "notifications": {
    "webhooks": {
      "urls": [
      "on_failure": "never",
      "on_success": "always"
  "before_install": [
    "mkdir -p \"${HOME}/bin\"",
    "if ! shellcheck --version; then curl -sSL \"${SHELLCHECK_URL}\" | tar -C \"${HOME}/bin\" -xjf -; fi",
    "if ! command -v shfmt; then curl -sSL \"${SHFMT_URL}\" -o \"${HOME}/bin/shfmt\"; chmod +x \"${HOME}/bin/shfmt\"; fi"