language: __sardonyx__
- build
stage: build
- language: bash
dist: freebsd
name: freebsd
os: freebsd
group: dev
- pushd /opt/pyenv/
- sudo git checkout master
- sudo git pull
- popd
- sudo python -m pip install virtualenv==20.0.2
- language: minimal
dist: focal
group: dev
name: focal
os: linux
- language: minimal
dist: bionic
group: dev
name: bionic
os: linux
- language: minimal
dist: xenial
group: edge
name: xenial
os: linux
- dist: trusty
name: trusty
os: linux
if: NOT env(VERSION) =~ -dev$ AND NOT env(VERSION) =~ ^3\.[789]
- dist: precise
name: precise
os: linux
if: NOT env(VERSION) =~ -dev$ AND NOT env(VERSION) =~ ^pypy AND NOT env(VERSION) =~ ^3\.[789]
- arch: ppc64le
dist: xenial
name: xenial-ppc64le
os: linux
language: minimal
- arch: ppc64le
dist: bionic
name: bionic-ppc64le
os: linux
language: minimal
- arch: s390x
dist: xenial
name: xenial-s390x
os: linux
language: minimal
- arch: s390x
dist: bionic
name: bionic-s390x
os: linux
language: minimal
- arch: arm64
dist: xenial
name: xenial-arm64
language: minimal
- arch: arm64
dist: bionic
name: bionic-arm64
language: minimal
- name: xenial-arm64
- name: freebsd
- VERSION=3.8-dev
# - ALIAS=nightly
- pushd /opt/pyenv/
- sudo git checkout master
- sudo git pull
- popd
# As of this writing:
# * Py2 is EOL
# * however, pip ( intends to keep supporting it as long as practical
# * Virtualenv also supports old versions (e.g. 3.4) far longer than PSF does
# * all images have `virtualenv` on PATH but vary in whether it's per-user or global and which Python installation it belongs to
# * some of these preinstalled `virtualenv`s don't support 3.9+
# * selected amd64 images have 3.7.* preinstalled with pip; multiarch have pyenv not on PATH, with no alt versions
# * xenial's provided Py3, 3.5, is in security fixes mode, due for EOL in 06.2020
# So it seems to be safe to use `virtualenv` with system's Py2 if we update it, for the foreseeable future.
# FIXME: use an officially supported alt Python version for `virtualenv` instead once one is available in all images.
- |
# `cat` avoids "broken pipe"; `freeze` instead of `list` avoids a warning about future output format change
if (python -m pip freeze --user | cat | grep -qP '^virtualenv=='); then
python -m pip install --upgrade --user virtualenv
elif (python -m pip freeze | cat | grep -qP '^virtualenv=='); then
sudo python -m pip install --upgrade virtualenv
sudo python -m pip install virtualenv
- 'export INSTALL_DEST=${INSTALL_DEST:-/opt/python}'
- 'export LSB_RELEASE=${LSB_RELEASE:-$(lsb_release -rs || if [[ $(uname -a) == *"FreeBSD"* ]]; then echo $(uname -r | rev | cut -c9- | rev); else false; fi || echo ${$(sw_vers -productVersion)%*.*})}'
- 'export OS_NAME=${OS_NAME:-$((lsb_release -is || if [[ $(uname -a) == *"FreeBSD"* ]]; then echo $(uname | cut -c1-); else false; fi || echo "osx") | tr "A-Z" "a-z")}'
- 'export ARCH=${ARCH:-$(uname -m)}'
# pipenv is supported for python 2.7 and 3.4 and higher.
- 'export PACKAGES=${PACKAGES:-pip nose pytest mock wheel pipenv}'
- export PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--with-wide-unicode --enable-shared --enable-ipv6 --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions --with-computed-gotos $CONFIGURE_OPTS"
- sudo chown -R $USER $HOME/.cache
- |
if [[ $VERSION = pypy*-dev ]]; then
if ! [[ -f ~/virtualenv/pypy/bin/activate ]]; then
curl -O$(lsb_release -rs)/x86_64/pypy2.7-5.9.0.tar.bz2
sudo tar xf pypy*.tar.bz2 -C /
source ~/virtualenv/pypy/bin/activate
python --version
script: ./bin/compile
after_success: ./bin/archive
after_failure: cat /tmp/python-build.*.log
- openssl
- libssl-dev
- mercurial
- python3-pip
- default
cache_control: public
email: false
secure: "ZZb1XxoEiVqSUYTwQDxDLasQwVyF5s2FUoTI4Hcf66GGr50seBgWvcHpCkbtDbntluoyUB/s9MyuVAsIq/tIu+z2EQpKQN8PGZXYZEb2DzEkRbekyUx4MQufvY3mbIwv69SSs12uq90Ce2R3S+okPvbjCB7HzEufW9wvtl6TwME="
on_success: never
on_failure: always
on_pull_requests: false
Build Config
"language": "__sardonyx__",
"stages": [
"stage": "build",
"jobs": {
"include": [
"language": "bash",
"dist": "freebsd",
"name": "freebsd",
"os": "freebsd",
"group": "dev",
"install": [
"pushd /opt/pyenv/",
"sudo git checkout master",
"sudo git pull",
"sudo python -m pip install virtualenv==20.0.2"
"language": "minimal",
"dist": "focal",
"group": "dev",
"name": "focal",
"os": "linux"
"language": "minimal",
"dist": "bionic",
"group": "dev",
"name": "bionic",
"os": "linux"
"language": "minimal",
"dist": "xenial",
"group": "edge",
"name": "xenial",
"os": "linux"
"dist": "trusty",
"name": "trusty",
"os": "linux",
"if": "NOT env(VERSION) =~ -dev$ AND NOT env(VERSION) =~ ^3\\.[789]"
"dist": "precise",
"name": "precise",
"os": "linux",
"if": "NOT env(VERSION) =~ -dev$ AND NOT env(VERSION) =~ ^pypy AND NOT env(VERSION) =~ ^3\\.[789]"
"arch": "ppc64le",
"dist": "xenial",
"name": "xenial-ppc64le",
"os": "linux",
"language": "minimal"
"arch": "ppc64le",
"dist": "bionic",
"name": "bionic-ppc64le",
"os": "linux",
"language": "minimal"
"arch": "s390x",
"dist": "xenial",
"name": "xenial-s390x",
"os": "linux",
"language": "minimal"
"arch": "s390x",
"dist": "bionic",
"name": "bionic-s390x",
"os": "linux",
"language": "minimal"
"arch": "arm64",
"dist": "xenial",
"name": "xenial-arm64",
"language": "minimal"
"arch": "arm64",
"dist": "bionic",
"name": "bionic-arm64",
"language": "minimal"
"allow_failures": [
"name": "xenial-arm64"
"name": "freebsd"
"env": {
"global": [
"install": [
"pushd /opt/pyenv/",
"sudo git checkout master",
"sudo git pull",
"# `cat` avoids \"broken pipe\"; `freeze` instead of `list` avoids a warning about future output format change\nif (python -m pip freeze --user | cat | grep -qP '^virtualenv=='); then\n python -m pip install --upgrade --user virtualenv\nelif (python -m pip freeze | cat | grep -qP '^virtualenv=='); then\n sudo python -m pip install --upgrade virtualenv\nelse\n sudo python -m pip install virtualenv\nfi\n"
"before_script": [
"export INSTALL_DEST=${INSTALL_DEST:-/opt/python}",
"export LSB_RELEASE=${LSB_RELEASE:-$(lsb_release -rs || if [[ $(uname -a) == *\"FreeBSD\"* ]]; then echo $(uname -r | rev | cut -c9- | rev); else false; fi || echo ${$(sw_vers -productVersion)%*.*})}",
"export OS_NAME=${OS_NAME:-$((lsb_release -is || if [[ $(uname -a) == *\"FreeBSD\"* ]]; then echo $(uname | cut -c1-); else false; fi || echo \"osx\") | tr \"A-Z\" \"a-z\")}",
"export ARCH=${ARCH:-$(uname -m)}",
"export PACKAGES=${PACKAGES:-pip nose pytest mock wheel pipenv}",
"export PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS=\"--with-wide-unicode --enable-shared --enable-ipv6 --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions --with-computed-gotos $CONFIGURE_OPTS\"",
"sudo chown -R $USER $HOME/.cache",
"if [[ $VERSION = pypy*-dev ]]; then\n if ! [[ -f ~/virtualenv/pypy/bin/activate ]]; then\n curl -O$(lsb_release -rs)/x86_64/pypy2.7-5.9.0.tar.bz2\n sudo tar xf pypy*.tar.bz2 -C /\n fi\n source ~/virtualenv/pypy/bin/activate\n python --version\nfi\n"
"script": "./bin/compile",
"after_success": "./bin/archive",
"after_failure": "cat /tmp/python-build.*.log",
"addons": {
"apt": {
"packages": [
"artifacts": {
"paths": [
"target_paths": [
"branch": [
"cache_control": "public"
"notifications": {
"email": false,
"slack": {
"rooms": {
"secure": "ZZb1XxoEiVqSUYTwQDxDLasQwVyF5s2FUoTI4Hcf66GGr50seBgWvcHpCkbtDbntluoyUB/s9MyuVAsIq/tIu+z2EQpKQN8PGZXYZEb2DzEkRbekyUx4MQufvY3mbIwv69SSs12uq90Ce2R3S+okPvbjCB7HzEufW9wvtl6TwME="
"on_success": "never",
"on_failure": "always",
"on_pull_requests": false