Push event #5399.4 failed

  • Ran for
Ruby: 2.5.3
Raw log
Scroll to End of Log
1Worker information
2hostname: 7c86e5cd-df4f-48bf-9fea-87b03fbbc10c@1.worker-com-54dd9b758f-vqcdn.gce-production-2
3version: v6.2.1 https://github.com/travis-ci/worker/tree/4e3246c044eb4915c2378ffacd0b3d3ed0136bba
4instance: travis-job-8e288df3-b07f-4b4f-8216-de1a9a7e6db5 travis-ci-sardonyx-xenial-1553530528-f909ac5 (via amqp)
5startup: 6.456822591s
7Build system information
8Build language: ruby
9Build group: stable
10Build dist: xenial
11Build id: 133001995
12Job id: 248286596
13Runtime kernel version: 4.15.0-1028-gcp
14travis-build version: a91ac50bd
15Build image provisioning date and time
16Mon Mar 25 16:43:24 UTC 2019
17Operating System Details
18Distributor ID: Ubuntu
19Description: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
20Release: 16.04
21Codename: xenial
22Systemd Version
23systemd 229
24Cookbooks Version
2542e42e4 https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-cookbooks/tree/42e42e4
26git version
27git version 2.21.0
28bash version
29GNU bash, version 4.3.48(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
30gcc version
31gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.11) 5.4.0 20160609
32docker version
34 Version: 18.06.0-ce
35 API version: 1.38
36 Go version: go1.10.3
37 Git commit: 0ffa825
38 Built: Wed Jul 18 19:11:02 2018
39 OS/Arch: linux/amd64
40 Experimental: false
43 Engine:
44 Version: 18.06.0-ce
45 API version: 1.38 (minimum version 1.12)
46 Go version: go1.10.3
47 Git commit: 0ffa825
48 Built: Wed Jul 18 19:09:05 2018
49 OS/Arch: linux/amd64
50 Experimental: false
51clang version
52clang version 7.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_700/final)
53jq version
55bats version
56Bats 0.4.0
57shellcheck version
59shfmt version
61ccache version
63cmake version
64cmake version 3.12.4
65heroku version
66heroku/7.22.7 linux-x64 node-v11.10.1
67imagemagick version
68Version: ImageMagick 6.8.9-9 Q16 x86_64 2018-09-28 http://www.imagemagick.org
69md5deep version
71mercurial version
72version 4.8
73mysql version
74mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.25, for Linux (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper
75openssl version
76OpenSSL 1.0.2g 1 Mar 2016
77packer version
79postgresql client version
80psql (PostgreSQL) 10.7 (Ubuntu 10.7-1.pgdg16.04+1)
81ragel version
82Ragel State Machine Compiler version 6.8 Feb 2013
83sudo version
85gzip version
86gzip 1.6
87zip version
88Zip 3.0
89vim version
90VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Nov 24 2016 16:44:48)
91iptables version
92iptables v1.6.0
93curl version
94curl 7.47.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.47.0 GnuTLS/3.4.10 zlib/1.2.8 libidn/1.32 librtmp/2.3
95wget version
96GNU Wget 1.17.1 built on linux-gnu.
97rsync version
98rsync version 3.1.1 protocol version 31
99gimme version
101nvm version
103perlbrew version
104/home/travis/perl5/perlbrew/bin/perlbrew - App::perlbrew/0.86
105phpenv version
106rbenv 1.1.2
107rvm version
108rvm 1.29.7 (latest) by Michal Papis, Piotr Kuczynski, Wayne E. Seguin [https://rvm.io]
109default ruby version
110ruby 2.5.3p105 (2018-10-18 revision 65156) [x86_64-linux]
111CouchDB version
112couchdb 1.6.1
113ElasticSearch version
115Installed Firefox version
116firefox 63.0.1
117MongoDB version
118MongoDB 4.0.7
119PhantomJS version
121Pre-installed PostgreSQL versions
125Redis version
126redis-server 5.0.4
127Pre-installed Go versions
129mvn version
130Apache Maven 3.6.0 (97c98ec64a1fdfee7767ce5ffb20918da4f719f3; 2018-10-24T18:41:47Z)
131gradle version
132Gradle 4.10.2!
133lein version
134Leiningen 2.9.1 on Java 11.0.2 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
135Pre-installed Node.js versions
143phpenv versions
144 system
145 5.6
146 5.6.40
147 7.1
148 7.1.27
149 7.2
150* 7.2.15 (set by /home/travis/.phpenv/version)
151 hhvm
152 hhvm-stable
153composer --version
154Composer version 1.8.4 2019-02-11 10:52:10
155Pre-installed Ruby versions
1610.98s$ git clone --depth=50 --branch=sf-pages-multi-line-msgs https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git travis-ci/dpl
162Cloning into 'travis-ci/dpl'...
163$ cd travis-ci/dpl
164$ git checkout -qf 1d19863286b3e02ce7a7567329e47f9181b27008
167Setting environment variables from repository settings
168$ export SNAP_TOKEN=[secure]
169$ export encrypted_81cf70da4be5_key=[secure]
170$ export encrypted_81cf70da4be5_iv=[secure]
171$ export encrypted_b24ece17e78a_key=[secure]
172$ export encrypted_b24ece17e78a_iv=[secure]
173$ export COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN=[secure]
174$ export encrypted_ee862e3b87bc_key=[secure]
175$ export encrypted_ee862e3b87bc_iv=[secure]
1770.83s$ rvm use 2.5.3 --install --binary --fuzzy
178Using /home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.3
180$ export BUNDLE_GEMFILE=$PWD/Gemfile
181Setting up build cache
182$ export CASHER_DIR=${TRAVIS_HOME}/.casher
1830.29s$ Installing caching utilities
1840.01s3.11sattempting to download cache archive
185fetching sf-pages-multi-line-msgs/cache-linux-xenial-e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855--rvm-2.5.3--gemfile-Gemfile.tgz
186fetching sf-pages-multi-line-msgs/cache--rvm-2.5.3--gemfile-Gemfile.tgz
187fetching master/cache-linux-xenial-e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855--rvm-2.5.3--gemfile-Gemfile.tgz
188found cache
1910.00s3.59sadding /home/travis/build/travis-ci/dpl/vendor/bundle to cache
192creating directory /home/travis/build/travis-ci/dpl/vendor/bundle
193$ ruby --version
194ruby 2.5.3p105 (2018-10-18 revision 65156) [x86_64-linux]
195$ rvm --version
196rvm 1.29.7 (latest) by Michal Papis, Piotr Kuczynski, Wayne E. Seguin [https://rvm.io]
197$ bundle --version
198Bundler version 2.0.1
199$ gem --version
2026.41s$ bundle install --jobs=3 --retry=3 --path=${BUNDLE_PATH:-vendor/bundle}
203Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/........
204Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/.
205Resolving dependencies......
206Using rake 12.3.3
207Using public_suffix 3.0.3
208Using awesome_print 1.8.0
209Using aws-eventstream 1.0.3
210Fetching aws-partitions 1.226.0
211Using jmespath 1.4.0
212Using optionally 0.0.3
213Using wrapomatic 0.3.0
214Using builder 3.2.3
215Using bundler 2.0.1
216Using fuzzyurl 0.9.0
217Using tomlrb 1.2.8
218Using mixlib-shellout 2.4.4
219Using libyajl2 1.2.0
220Using hashie 3.6.0
221Using mixlib-log 1.7.1
222Using rack 2.0.7
223Using uuidtools 2.1.5
224Using diff-lcs 1.3
225Using erubis 2.7.0
226Using highline 1.7.10
227Using iniparse 1.4.4
228Using mixlib-authentication 1.4.2
229Using mixlib-cli 1.7.0
230Using net-ssh 4.2.0
231Using ffi 1.11.1
232Using ipaddress 0.8.3
233Using plist 3.5.0
234Using systemu 2.6.5
235Using wmi-lite 1.0.2
236Using proxifier 1.0.3
237Using rspec-support 3.9.0
238Using multi_json 1.14.1
239Using net-telnet 0.1.1
240Using sfl 2.3
241Using syslog-logger 1.6.8
242Using cistern 0.12.3
243Using regstry 1.0.14
244Using coderay 1.1.2
245Using colorize 0.8.1
246Using cookiejar 0.3.3
247Using json 1.8.6
248Using docile 1.3.2
249Using simplecov-html 0.10.2
250Using tins 1.21.1
251Using thor 0.20.3
252Using safe_yaml 1.0.5
253Using unf_ext
254Using eventmachine 1.2.7
255Using http_parser.rb 0.6.0
256Using escape 0.0.4
257Using excon 0.67.0
258Using ey-hmac 2.2.0
259Using multipart-post 2.0.0
260Using websocket-extensions 0.1.4
261Using mime-types-data 3.2019.1009
262Using oj 3.9.2
263Using oj_mimic_json 1.0.1
264Using method_source 0.9.2
265Using sshkey 1.9.0
266Using table_print 1.5.6
267Using facter 2.5.6
268Using fast_gettext 1.1.2
269Using formatador 0.2.5
270Using mini_portile2 2.4.0
271Using netrc 0.11.0
272Using hashdiff 1.0.0
273Using hiera 3.6.0
274Using json_pure 1.8.6
275Using locale 2.1.2
276Using mime 0.4.4
277Using pathspec 0.2.1
278Using rendezvous 0.1.3
279Using rubyzip 1.2.4
280Using sh_vars 1.0.2
281Using addressable 2.7.0
282Using aws-sigv4 1.1.0
283Using belafonte 0.5.0
284Using mixlib-config 2.2.18
285Using ffi-yajl 2.3.1
286Using mixlib-archive 0.4.20
287Using net-sftp 2.1.2
288Using net-ssh-gateway 2.0.0
289Using rspec-core 3.9.0
290Using rspec-expectations 3.9.0
291Using rspec-mocks 3.9.0
292Using net-scp 2.0.0
293Using cl 1.1.5
294Using simplecov 0.16.1
295Using term-ansicolor 1.7.1
296Using crack 0.4.3
297Using gems 1.1.1
298Using chef-config 12.22.5
299Using chef-zero 5.3.2
300Using net-ssh-multi 1.2.1
301Using rspec_junit_formatter 0.2.3
302Using rspec 3.9.0
303Using rspec-its 1.3.0
304Using specinfra 2.82.3
305Using coveralls 0.8.23
306Using unf 0.1.4
307Using dpl 2.0.0.alpha.11 from source at `.`
308Using em-socksify 0.3.2
309Using faraday 0.9.2
310Using websocket-driver 0.7.1
311Using mime-types 3.2.2
312Using pry 0.12.2
313Using nokogiri 1.9.1
314Using packagecloud-ruby 1.0.8
315Using puppet 5.5.17
316Using webmock 3.7.6
317Using ohai 8.26.1
318Using serverspec 2.41.5
319Using domain_name 0.5.20190701
320Using chef 12.22.5
321Using em-http-request 1.1.5
322Using faraday_middleware 0.13.1
323Using faye-websocket 0.10.9
324Using fog-core 2.1.0
325Using http-cookie 1.0.3
326Using sawyer 0.8.2
327Using faye 1.2.4
328Using fog-json 1.2.0
329Using fog-xml 0.1.3
330Using rest-client 2.0.2
331Using octokit 4.14.0
332Using ey-core 3.5.0
333Using fog-rackspace 0.1.6
334Using gleis 0.6.2
335Using puppet-blacksmith 3.3.1
336Installing aws-partitions 1.226.0
337Fetching aws-sdk-core 3.69.1
338Installing aws-sdk-core 3.69.1
339Using aws-sdk-cloudformation 1.25.0
340Using aws-sdk-codedeploy 1.26.0
341Using aws-sdk-elasticbeanstalk 1.25.0
342Using aws-sdk-kms 1.24.0
343Using aws-sdk-lambda 1.30.0
344Using aws-sdk-opsworks 1.20.0
345Fetching aws-sdk-s3 1.50.0
346Installing aws-sdk-s3 1.50.0
347Bundle complete! 33 Gemfile dependencies, 138 gems now installed.
348Bundled gems are installed into `./vendor/bundle`
35014.93s$ bundle exec rspec
351[Coveralls] Set up the SimpleCov formatter.
352[Coveralls] Using SimpleCov's default settings.
353Run options: exclude {:skip=>true}
354................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................../home/travis/build/travis-ci/dpl/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/faraday-0.9.2/lib/faraday/request/retry.rb:30: warning: constant ::Fixnum is deprecated
359 1) Dpl::Providers::Pages::Git by default is expected to run "git commit -qm \"Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages\""
360 Failure/Error: it { should have_run 'git commit -qm "Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages"' }
362 Expected the command
364 git commit -qm "Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages"
366 to have run, but it didn't. Instead, we have run the commands:
368 [warn] Support for deployments to GitHub Pages is in **beta**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details.
369 [info] Installing deployment dependencies
370 [gem:require] ["octokit", "~> 4.14.0", {}] (, {})
371 [gem:require] ["public_suffix", "~> 3.0.3", {}] (, {})
372 [info] Authenticated as login
373 [info] Setting the build environment up for the deployment
374 git config user.email >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || git config user.email `whoami`@localhost
375 git config user.name >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || git config user.name `whoami`
376 [info] The source dir for deployment is /tmp/dpl
377 [info] Configuring git committer to be author name (via Travis CI) <author email>
378 [info] Deploying branch gh-pages to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git
379 [info] The deployment is configured to preserve the target branch if it exists on remote.
380 [info] Cloning the branch gh-pages from the remote repo
381 git clone --quiet --branch="gh-pages" --depth=1 "https://token@github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git" . > /dev/null 2>&1
382 [info] Copying /tmp/dpl contents to tmp
383 [info] $ rsync -rl --exclude .git --delete "/tmp/dpl/" .
384 rsync -rl --exclude .git --delete "/tmp/dpl/" .
385 git config user.name "author name (via Travis CI)"
386 git config user.email "author email"
387 [info] Preparing to deploy gh-pages branch to gh-pages
388 [info] $ git add -A .
389 git add -A .
390 [info] $ git commit -qm "$(echo -e "Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages")"
391 git commit -qm "$(echo -e "Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages")"
392 [info] $ git show --stat-count=10 HEAD
393 git show --stat-count=10 HEAD
394 [info] Pushing to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git
395 git push --quiet "https://token@github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git" "gh-pages":"gh-pages" > /dev/null 2>&1
396 # ./spec/dpl/providers/pages/git_spec.rb:27:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
398 2) Dpl::Providers::Pages::Git by default is expected to have run commands in order
399 Failure/Error: it { should have_run_in_order }
401 Expected the commands
403 [info] Authenticated as login
404 [info] Configuring git committer to be author name (via Travis CI) <author email>
405 [info] Deploying branch gh-pages to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git
406 [info] Cloning the branch gh-pages from the remote repo
407 git clone --quiet --branch="gh-pages" --depth=1 "https://token@github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git" . > /dev/null 2>&1
408 rsync -rl --exclude .git --delete "/tmp/dpl/" .
409 git config user.name "author name (via Travis CI)"
410 git config user.email "author email"
411 git add -A .
412 git commit -qm "Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages"
413 git show --stat-count=10 HEAD
414 [info] Pushing to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git
415 git push --quiet "https://token@github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git" "gh-pages":"gh-pages" > /dev/null 2>&1
417 to have run in this order, but they have run as follows:
419 [info] Authenticated as login
420 [info] Configuring git committer to be author name (via Travis CI) <author email>
421 [info] Deploying branch gh-pages to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git
422 [info] Cloning the branch gh-pages from the remote repo
423 git clone --quiet --branch="gh-pages" --depth=1 "https://token@github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git" . > /dev/null 2>&1
424 rsync -rl --exclude .git --delete "/tmp/dpl/" .
425 git config user.name "author name (via Travis CI)"
426 git config user.email "author email"
427 git add -A .
428 git show --stat-count=10 HEAD
429 [info] Pushing to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git
430 git push --quiet "https://token@github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git" "gh-pages":"gh-pages" > /dev/null 2>&1
431 # ./spec/dpl/providers/pages/git_spec.rb:31:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
433 3) Dpl::Providers::Pages::Git given --repo other/name is expected to run "git commit -qm \"Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/other/name.git:gh-pages\""
434 Failure/Error: it { should have_run 'git commit -qm "Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/other/name.git:gh-pages"' }
436 Expected the command
438 git commit -qm "Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/other/name.git:gh-pages"
440 to have run, but it didn't. Instead, we have run the commands:
442 [warn] Support for deployments to GitHub Pages is in **beta**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details.
443 [info] Installing deployment dependencies
444 [gem:require] ["octokit", "~> 4.14.0", {}] (, {})
445 [gem:require] ["public_suffix", "~> 3.0.3", {}] (, {})
446 [info] Authenticated as login
447 [info] Setting the build environment up for the deployment
448 git config user.email >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || git config user.email `whoami`@localhost
449 git config user.name >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || git config user.name `whoami`
450 [info] The source dir for deployment is /tmp/dpl
451 [info] Configuring git committer to be author name (via Travis CI) <author email>
452 [info] Deploying branch gh-pages to github.com/other/name.git
453 [info] The deployment is configured to preserve the target branch if it exists on remote.
454 [info] Cloning the branch gh-pages from the remote repo
455 git clone --quiet --branch="gh-pages" --depth=1 "https://token@github.com/other/name.git" . > /dev/null 2>&1
456 [info] Copying /tmp/dpl contents to tmp
457 [info] $ rsync -rl --exclude .git --delete "/tmp/dpl/" .
458 rsync -rl --exclude .git --delete "/tmp/dpl/" .
459 git config user.name "author name (via Travis CI)"
460 git config user.email "author email"
461 [info] Preparing to deploy gh-pages branch to gh-pages
462 [info] $ git add -A .
463 git add -A .
464 [info] $ git commit -qm "$(echo -e "Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/other/name.git:gh-pages")"
465 git commit -qm "$(echo -e "Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/other/name.git:gh-pages")"
466 [info] $ git show --stat-count=10 HEAD
467 git show --stat-count=10 HEAD
468 [info] Pushing to github.com/other/name.git
469 git push --quiet "https://token@github.com/other/name.git" "gh-pages":"gh-pages" > /dev/null 2>&1
470 # ./spec/dpl/providers/pages/git_spec.rb:46:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
472 4) Dpl::Providers::Pages::Git given --target_branch other is expected to run "git commit -qm \"Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:other\""
473 Failure/Error: it { should have_run 'git commit -qm "Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:other"' }
475 Expected the command
477 git commit -qm "Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:other"
479 to have run, but it didn't. Instead, we have run the commands:
481 [warn] Support for deployments to GitHub Pages is in **beta**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details.
482 [info] Installing deployment dependencies
483 [gem:require] ["octokit", "~> 4.14.0", {}] (, {})
484 [gem:require] ["public_suffix", "~> 3.0.3", {}] (, {})
485 [info] Authenticated as login
486 [info] Setting the build environment up for the deployment
487 git config user.email >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || git config user.email `whoami`@localhost
488 git config user.name >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || git config user.name `whoami`
489 [info] The source dir for deployment is /tmp/dpl
490 [info] Configuring git committer to be author name (via Travis CI) <author email>
491 [info] Deploying branch other to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git
492 [info] The deployment is configured to preserve the target branch if it exists on remote.
493 [info] Cloning the branch other from the remote repo
494 git clone --quiet --branch="other" --depth=1 "https://token@github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git" . > /dev/null 2>&1
495 [info] Copying /tmp/dpl contents to tmp
496 [info] $ rsync -rl --exclude .git --delete "/tmp/dpl/" .
497 rsync -rl --exclude .git --delete "/tmp/dpl/" .
498 git config user.name "author name (via Travis CI)"
499 git config user.email "author email"
500 [info] Preparing to deploy other branch to gh-pages
501 [info] $ git add -A .
502 git add -A .
503 [info] $ git commit -qm "$(echo -e "Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:other")"
504 git commit -qm "$(echo -e "Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:other")"
505 [info] $ git show --stat-count=10 HEAD
506 git show --stat-count=10 HEAD
507 [info] Pushing to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git
508 git push --quiet "https://token@github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git" "other":"other" > /dev/null 2>&1
509 # ./spec/dpl/providers/pages/git_spec.rb:52:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
511 5) Dpl::Providers::Pages::Git given --no_keep_history is expected to run "git commit -qm \"Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages\""
512 Failure/Error: it { should have_run 'git commit -qm "Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages"' }
514 Expected the command
516 git commit -qm "Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages"
518 to have run, but it didn't. Instead, we have run the commands:
520 [warn] Support for deployments to GitHub Pages is in **beta**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details.
521 [info] Installing deployment dependencies
522 [gem:require] ["octokit", "~> 4.14.0", {}] (, {})
523 [gem:require] ["public_suffix", "~> 3.0.3", {}] (, {})
524 [info] Authenticated as login
525 [info] Setting the build environment up for the deployment
526 git config user.email >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || git config user.email `whoami`@localhost
527 git config user.name >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || git config user.name `whoami`
528 [info] The source dir for deployment is /tmp/dpl
529 [info] Configuring git committer to be author name (via Travis CI) <author email>
530 [info] Deploying branch gh-pages to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git
531 [info] Initializing local git repo
532 [info] $ git init .
533 git init .
534 [info] Checking out orphan branch gh-pages
535 [info] $ git checkout --orphan "gh-pages"
536 git checkout --orphan "gh-pages"
537 [info] Copying /tmp/dpl contents to tmp
538 [info] $ rsync -rl --exclude .git --delete "/tmp/dpl/" .
539 rsync -rl --exclude .git --delete "/tmp/dpl/" .
540 git config user.name "author name (via Travis CI)"
541 git config user.email "author email"
542 [info] Preparing to deploy gh-pages branch to gh-pages
543 [info] $ git add -A .
544 git add -A .
545 [info] $ git commit -qm "$(echo -e "Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages")"
546 git commit -qm "$(echo -e "Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages")"
547 [info] $ git show --stat-count=10 HEAD
548 git show --stat-count=10 HEAD
549 [info] Pushing to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git
550 git push --force --quiet "https://token@github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git" "gh-pages":"gh-pages" > /dev/null 2>&1
551 # ./spec/dpl/providers/pages/git_spec.rb:62:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
553 6) Dpl::Providers::Pages::Git given --no_keep_history --allow_empty is expected to run "git commit --allow-empty -qm \"Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages\""
554 Failure/Error: it { should have_run 'git commit --allow-empty -qm "Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages"' }
556 Expected the command
558 git commit --allow-empty -qm "Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages"
560 to have run, but it didn't. Instead, we have run the commands:
562 [warn] Support for deployments to GitHub Pages is in **beta**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details.
563 [info] Installing deployment dependencies
564 [gem:require] ["octokit", "~> 4.14.0", {}] (, {})
565 [gem:require] ["public_suffix", "~> 3.0.3", {}] (, {})
566 [info] Authenticated as login
567 [info] Setting the build environment up for the deployment
568 git config user.email >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || git config user.email `whoami`@localhost
569 git config user.name >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || git config user.name `whoami`
570 [info] The source dir for deployment is /tmp/dpl
571 [info] Configuring git committer to be author name (via Travis CI) <author email>
572 [info] Deploying branch gh-pages to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git
573 [info] Initializing local git repo
574 [info] $ git init .
575 git init .
576 [info] Checking out orphan branch gh-pages
577 [info] $ git checkout --orphan "gh-pages"
578 git checkout --orphan "gh-pages"
579 [info] Copying /tmp/dpl contents to tmp
580 [info] $ rsync -rl --exclude .git --delete "/tmp/dpl/" .
581 rsync -rl --exclude .git --delete "/tmp/dpl/" .
582 git config user.name "author name (via Travis CI)"
583 git config user.email "author email"
584 [info] Preparing to deploy gh-pages branch to gh-pages
585 [info] $ git add -A .
586 git add -A .
587 [info] $ git commit --allow-empty -qm "$(echo -e "Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages")"
588 git commit --allow-empty -qm "$(echo -e "Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages")"
589 [info] $ git show --stat-count=10 HEAD
590 git show --stat-count=10 HEAD
591 [info] Pushing to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git
592 git push --force --quiet "https://token@github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git" "gh-pages":"gh-pages" > /dev/null 2>&1
593 # ./spec/dpl/providers/pages/git_spec.rb:68:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
595 7) Dpl::Providers::Pages::Git given --project_name project_name is expected to run "git commit -qm \"Deploy project_name to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages\""
596 Failure/Error: it { should have_run 'git commit -qm "Deploy project_name to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages"' }
598 Expected the command
600 git commit -qm "Deploy project_name to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages"
602 to have run, but it didn't. Instead, we have run the commands:
604 [warn] Support for deployments to GitHub Pages is in **beta**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details.
605 [info] Installing deployment dependencies
606 [gem:require] ["octokit", "~> 4.14.0", {}] (, {})
607 [gem:require] ["public_suffix", "~> 3.0.3", {}] (, {})
608 [info] Authenticated as login
609 [info] Setting the build environment up for the deployment
610 git config user.email >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || git config user.email `whoami`@localhost
611 git config user.name >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || git config user.name `whoami`
612 [info] The source dir for deployment is /tmp/dpl
613 [info] Configuring git committer to be author name (via Travis CI) <author email>
614 [info] Deploying branch gh-pages to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git
615 [info] The deployment is configured to preserve the target branch if it exists on remote.
616 [info] Cloning the branch gh-pages from the remote repo
617 git clone --quiet --branch="gh-pages" --depth=1 "https://token@github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git" . > /dev/null 2>&1
618 [info] Copying /tmp/dpl contents to tmp
619 [info] $ rsync -rl --exclude .git --delete "/tmp/dpl/" .
620 rsync -rl --exclude .git --delete "/tmp/dpl/" .
621 git config user.name "author name (via Travis CI)"
622 git config user.email "author email"
623 [info] Preparing to deploy gh-pages branch to gh-pages
624 [info] $ git add -A .
625 git add -A .
626 [info] $ git commit -qm "$(echo -e "Deploy project_name to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages")"
627 git commit -qm "$(echo -e "Deploy project_name to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages")"
628 [info] $ git show --stat-count=10 HEAD
629 git show --stat-count=10 HEAD
630 [info] Pushing to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git
631 git push --quiet "https://token@github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git" "gh-pages":"gh-pages" > /dev/null 2>&1
632 # ./spec/dpl/providers/pages/git_spec.rb:87:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
634 8) Dpl::Providers::Pages::Git given project_name with a double quote is expected to run "git commit -qm \"Deploy project\\\"name to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages\""
635 Failure/Error: it { should have_run 'git commit -qm "Deploy project\"name to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages"' }
637 Expected the command
639 git commit -qm "Deploy project\"name to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages"
641 to have run, but it didn't. Instead, we have run the commands:
643 [warn] Support for deployments to GitHub Pages is in **beta**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details.
644 [info] Installing deployment dependencies
645 [gem:require] ["octokit", "~> 4.14.0", {}] (, {})
646 [gem:require] ["public_suffix", "~> 3.0.3", {}] (, {})
647 [info] Authenticated as login
648 [info] Setting the build environment up for the deployment
649 git config user.email >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || git config user.email `whoami`@localhost
650 git config user.name >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || git config user.name `whoami`
651 [info] The source dir for deployment is /tmp/dpl
652 [info] Configuring git committer to be author name (via Travis CI) <author email>
653 [info] Deploying branch gh-pages to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git
654 [info] The deployment is configured to preserve the target branch if it exists on remote.
655 [info] Cloning the branch gh-pages from the remote repo
656 git clone --quiet --branch="gh-pages" --depth=1 "https://token@github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git" . > /dev/null 2>&1
657 [info] Copying /tmp/dpl contents to tmp
658 [info] $ rsync -rl --exclude .git --delete "/tmp/dpl/" .
659 rsync -rl --exclude .git --delete "/tmp/dpl/" .
660 git config user.name "author name (via Travis CI)"
661 git config user.email "author email"
662 [info] Preparing to deploy gh-pages branch to gh-pages
663 [info] $ git add -A .
664 git add -A .
665 [info] $ git commit -qm "$(echo -e "Deploy project\"name to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages")"
666 git commit -qm "$(echo -e "Deploy project\"name to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages")"
667 [info] $ git show --stat-count=10 HEAD
668 git show --stat-count=10 HEAD
669 [info] Pushing to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git
670 git push --quiet "https://token@github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git" "gh-pages":"gh-pages" > /dev/null 2>&1
671 # ./spec/dpl/providers/pages/git_spec.rb:92:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
673 9) Dpl::Providers::Pages::Git given --commit_message "msg %{repo}\n%{$FOO}" is expected to run "git commit -qm \"msg travis-ci/dpl\\nfoo\""
674 Failure/Error: it { should have_run 'git commit -qm "msg travis-ci/dpl\nfoo"' }
676 Expected the command
678 git commit -qm "msg travis-ci/dpl\nfoo"
680 to have run, but it didn't. Instead, we have run the commands:
682 [warn] Support for deployments to GitHub Pages is in **beta**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details.
683 [info] Installing deployment dependencies
684 [gem:require] ["octokit", "~> 4.14.0", {}] (, {})
685 [gem:require] ["public_suffix", "~> 3.0.3", {}] (, {})
686 [info] Authenticated as login
687 [info] Setting the build environment up for the deployment
688 git config user.email >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || git config user.email `whoami`@localhost
689 git config user.name >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || git config user.name `whoami`
690 [info] The source dir for deployment is /tmp/dpl
691 [info] Configuring git committer to be author name (via Travis CI) <author email>
692 [info] Deploying branch gh-pages to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git
693 [info] The deployment is configured to preserve the target branch if it exists on remote.
694 [info] Cloning the branch gh-pages from the remote repo
695 git clone --quiet --branch="gh-pages" --depth=1 "https://token@github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git" . > /dev/null 2>&1
696 [info] Copying /tmp/dpl contents to tmp
697 [info] $ rsync -rl --exclude .git --delete "/tmp/dpl/" .
698 rsync -rl --exclude .git --delete "/tmp/dpl/" .
699 git config user.name "author name (via Travis CI)"
700 git config user.email "author email"
701 [info] Preparing to deploy gh-pages branch to gh-pages
702 [info] $ git add -A .
703 git add -A .
704 [info] $ git commit -qm "$(echo -e "msg travis-ci/dpl\nfoo")"
705 git commit -qm "$(echo -e "msg travis-ci/dpl\nfoo")"
706 [info] $ git show --stat-count=10 HEAD
707 git show --stat-count=10 HEAD
708 [info] Pushing to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git
709 git push --quiet "https://token@github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git" "gh-pages":"gh-pages" > /dev/null 2>&1
710 # ./spec/dpl/providers/pages/git_spec.rb:104:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
712Finished in 12.46 seconds (files took 0.98352 seconds to load)
7131046 examples, 9 failures
715Failed examples:
717rspec ./spec/dpl/providers/pages/git_spec.rb:27 # Dpl::Providers::Pages::Git by default is expected to run "git commit -qm \"Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages\""
718rspec ./spec/dpl/providers/pages/git_spec.rb:31 # Dpl::Providers::Pages::Git by default is expected to have run commands in order
719rspec ./spec/dpl/providers/pages/git_spec.rb:46 # Dpl::Providers::Pages::Git given --repo other/name is expected to run "git commit -qm \"Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/other/name.git:gh-pages\""
720rspec ./spec/dpl/providers/pages/git_spec.rb:52 # Dpl::Providers::Pages::Git given --target_branch other is expected to run "git commit -qm \"Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:other\""
721rspec ./spec/dpl/providers/pages/git_spec.rb:62 # Dpl::Providers::Pages::Git given --no_keep_history is expected to run "git commit -qm \"Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages\""
722rspec ./spec/dpl/providers/pages/git_spec.rb:68 # Dpl::Providers::Pages::Git given --no_keep_history --allow_empty is expected to run "git commit --allow-empty -qm \"Deploy travis-ci/dpl to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages\""
723rspec ./spec/dpl/providers/pages/git_spec.rb:87 # Dpl::Providers::Pages::Git given --project_name project_name is expected to run "git commit -qm \"Deploy project_name to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages\""
724rspec ./spec/dpl/providers/pages/git_spec.rb:92 # Dpl::Providers::Pages::Git given project_name with a double quote is expected to run "git commit -qm \"Deploy project\\\"name to github.com/travis-ci/dpl.git:gh-pages\""
725rspec ./spec/dpl/providers/pages/git_spec.rb:104 # Dpl::Providers::Pages::Git given --commit_message "msg %{repo}\n%{$FOO}" is expected to run "git commit -qm \"msg travis-ci/dpl\\nfoo\""
727[Coveralls] Submitting to https://coveralls.io/api/v1
728fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
729fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
730fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
731fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
732fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
733fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
734fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
735fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
736[Coveralls] Job ##4489.1
737[Coveralls] https://coveralls.io/jobs/54707312
738Coverage is at 95.54%.
739Coverage report sent to Coveralls.
740The command "bundle exec rspec" exited with 1.
741store build cache
742$ bundle clean
743Removing aws-sdk-core (3.68.1)
744Removing aws-partitions (1.224.0)
745Removing aws-sdk-s3 (1.49.0)
7460.00s7.41schanges detected (content changed, file is created, or file is deleted):\n/home/travis/build/travis-ci/dpl/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/cache/aws-partitions-1.224.0.gem
756changes detected, packing new archive
757uploading sf-pages-multi-line-msgs/cache-linux-xenial-e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855--rvm-2.5.3--gemfile-Gemfile.tgz
758cache uploaded
761Done. Your build exited with 1.