Python: 3.9
This is the configuration for all of build #8773, including this job
dist: focal
language: ruby
- 3.1
- 3.2
- 3.3
- bundler
- bundle exec rspec
- &job
stage: test runtime dependency installation
if: commit_message !~ /skip:test_dependencies/ AND env(SKIP_TEST_DEPENDENCIES) IS blank
cache: false
- rvm use 3.3 --install --binary --fuzzy
- gem build dpl.gemspec
- gem install dpl-*.gem
# - gem update --system
- nvm install 18.20.2
- nvm use 18.20.2
- node --version
- .travis/test_install
rvm: 3.3
- <<: *job
language: python
python: 2.7
- <<: *job
language: python
python: 3.7
- <<: *job
language: python
python: 3.8
- <<: *job
language: python
python: 3.9
- <<: *job
language: python
python: 3.10
- <<: *job
language: python
python: 3.11
Build Config
"language": "ruby",
"os": [
"dist": "focal",
"rvm": [
"cache": {
"bundler": true
"script": [
"bundle exec rspec"
"jobs": {
"include": [
"stage": "test runtime dependency installation",
"if": "commit_message !~ /skip:test_dependencies/ AND env(SKIP_TEST_DEPENDENCIES) IS blank",
"cache": false,
"install": [
"rvm use 3.3 --install --binary --fuzzy",
"gem build dpl.gemspec",
"gem install dpl-*.gem",
"nvm install 18.20.2",
"nvm use 18.20.2",
"node --version"
"script": [
"rvm": "3.3"
"stage": "test runtime dependency installation",
"if": "commit_message !~ /skip:test_dependencies/ AND env(SKIP_TEST_DEPENDENCIES) IS blank",
"cache": false,
"install": [
"rvm use 3.3 --install --binary --fuzzy",
"gem build dpl.gemspec",
"gem install dpl-*.gem",
"nvm install 18.20.2",
"nvm use 18.20.2",
"node --version"
"script": [
"rvm": "3.3",
"language": "python",
"python": "2.7"
"stage": "test runtime dependency installation",
"if": "commit_message !~ /skip:test_dependencies/ AND env(SKIP_TEST_DEPENDENCIES) IS blank",
"cache": false,
"install": [
"rvm use 3.3 --install --binary --fuzzy",
"gem build dpl.gemspec",
"gem install dpl-*.gem",
"nvm install 18.20.2",
"nvm use 18.20.2",
"node --version"
"script": [
"rvm": "3.3",
"language": "python",
"python": "3.7"
"stage": "test runtime dependency installation",
"if": "commit_message !~ /skip:test_dependencies/ AND env(SKIP_TEST_DEPENDENCIES) IS blank",
"cache": false,
"install": [
"rvm use 3.3 --install --binary --fuzzy",
"gem build dpl.gemspec",
"gem install dpl-*.gem",
"nvm install 18.20.2",
"nvm use 18.20.2",
"node --version"
"script": [
"rvm": "3.3",
"language": "python",
"python": "3.8"
"stage": "test runtime dependency installation",
"if": "commit_message !~ /skip:test_dependencies/ AND env(SKIP_TEST_DEPENDENCIES) IS blank",
"cache": false,
"install": [
"rvm use 3.3 --install --binary --fuzzy",
"gem build dpl.gemspec",
"gem install dpl-*.gem",
"nvm install 18.20.2",
"nvm use 18.20.2",
"node --version"
"script": [
"rvm": "3.3",
"language": "python",
"python": "3.9"
"stage": "test runtime dependency installation",
"if": "commit_message !~ /skip:test_dependencies/ AND env(SKIP_TEST_DEPENDENCIES) IS blank",
"cache": false,
"install": [
"rvm use 3.3 --install --binary --fuzzy",
"gem build dpl.gemspec",
"gem install dpl-*.gem",
"nvm install 18.20.2",
"nvm use 18.20.2",
"node --version"
"script": [
"rvm": "3.3",
"language": "python",
"python": "3.10"
"stage": "test runtime dependency installation",
"if": "commit_message !~ /skip:test_dependencies/ AND env(SKIP_TEST_DEPENDENCIES) IS blank",
"cache": false,
"install": [
"rvm use 3.3 --install --binary --fuzzy",
"gem build dpl.gemspec",
"gem install dpl-*.gem",
"nvm install 18.20.2",
"nvm use 18.20.2",
"node --version"
"script": [
"rvm": "3.3",
"language": "python",
"python": "3.11"