travis-ci / gh log scanlog scanfailingfailing Current Branches Build History Pull Requests Build #242 Settings Requests Caches More options Requests Trigger build retry Refactor wrapper This brings the wrapper class in line with the others.The class is now constructed via the options passed to `#use`,which means we don't need to change the signature of any methods,which was not ideal. stack = do use GH::Retry, retries: 10 end GH.with(stack) { GH['users/rkh] }Also renames the `sleep` option to `wait`. Commit 63bac8b Compare 7fc806c..63bac8b Branch retry Joe Corcoran Push event #242 passed Ran for 8 min 45 sec 9 years ago AMD64 no language set Git Sorry, we're having troubles fetching jobs. Please try again later.