hh-circuit-breaker-improvements Log state changes to circuit breaker

Without this, it's somewhat invisible when the circuit breaker changes
states. You'd have to check whenever the worker is starting to get

Sarah Hodne avatar Sarah Hodne

Push event #78.1 passed

  • Ran for
no language set
The .travis.yml file used for this job is not available
Build Config
  "go": "1.4.2",
  "env": {
    "global": [
      "UNAME=\"$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')\""
  "sudo": false,
  "addons": {
    "artifacts": {
      "paths": [
      "target_paths": [
        "travis-ci/jupiter-brain/$(git describe --always --dirty --tags)",
  "script": [
    "make lintall",
    "make test",
    "make test-race",
    "git diff --exit-code",
    "git diff --cached --exit-code"
  "language": "go",
  "after_success": [
    "mkdir -p build/$UNAME/amd64",
    "cp -v bin/jb-server build/$UNAME/amd64/jb-server",
  "before_install": [
    "go get github.com/constabulary/gb/...",
    "go get github.com/alecthomas/gometalinter",
    "gometalinter --install --update"