Pull Request #46 Use background context when getting powered on VM hostname
This allows us to check which host the VM eventually ended up on.
no language set
The .travis.yml file used for this job is not available
Build Config
"go": "1.7.1",
"env": {
"global": [
"UNAME=\"$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')\""
"sudo": false,
"addons": {
"artifacts": {
"paths": [
"target_paths": [
"travis-ci/jupiter-brain/$(git describe --always --dirty --tags)",
"script": [
"make deps",
"make test",
"make test-race",
"git diff --exit-code",
"git diff --cached --exit-code"
"language": "go",
"after_success": [
"mkdir -p build/$UNAME/amd64",
"cp -v ~/gopath/bin/jb-server build/$UNAME/amd64/jb-server",
"before_install": [
"go get github.com/FiloSottile/gvt"