#80 from travis-ci/bf-fix-aggregate-inclu…
enterprise-2.0 Merge pull requestAdd required Gems for fixing Aggregation in Enterprise 2.0
JDK: openjdk7 Ruby: 2.2.2
This is the configuration for all of build #940, including this job
The .travis.yml file used for this job is not available
Build Config
"env": {
"global": [
"jdk": "openjdk7",
"rvm": [
"sudo": false,
"cache": "bundler",
"script": "bundle exec rspec spec",
"language": "ruby",
"services": [
"before_script": [
"createdb -U postgres travis_logs_test",
"cp config/travis.example.yml config/travis.yml",
"bundle exec rake db:migrate"