te-dev Use `bundle exec` in Procfile

Enterprise relies on using `bundle exec` at the moment:

Gemfiles may contain credentials. The simplest solution is to just not
use them and instead replace `bundle` with a shim that loads
`bundle/setup` from `vendor`. In order for that to work Procfiles need
to prepend `bundle exec`.

Tyranja avatar Tyranja

Push event #539.1 passed

  • Ran for
no language set
The .travis.yml file used for this job is not available
Build Config
  "env": {
    "global": [
  "jdk": "openjdk7",
  "rvm": [
  "sudo": false,
  "cache": "bundler",
  "script": "bundle exec rspec spec",
  "language": "ruby",
  "services": [
  "before_script": [
    "createdb -U postgres travis_logs_test",
    "cp config/travis.example.yml config/travis.yml",
    "bundle exec rake db:migrate"