Pull Request #272 Release 2024 07 24

* Update OS for enterprise ship:docker

* Disable specs ship:docker

* Update .travis.yml

* Remove partman

* Update postgresql

* Update postgresql

* Update postgresql

* Update postgresql

* Update postgresql cleanup ship:docker

* security updates (#231)

* docker fix+trivy

* trivy fix

* security updates(#234)

* update to use latest docker

* gem updates 300322 (#240)

* puma,sidekiq,google-protobuf update

* puma update 4.3.12

* gem updates (#241)

* rack update ->

* rm trivy

* bump jmespath (1.4.0 -> 1.6.1)

* bump tzinfo to 1.2.10

* image size reduction (#245)

* reducing images size, split to migrations/services images (ship:docker)

* added perl-modules for migrations [ship:docker]

* bump google-protobuf to 3.19.6

* google-protobuf gemfile rubocop fix

* sinatra 2.2.3 (#253)

* Enterprise->Master merge. Version mismatch cleanup.

* Enterprise3.0 -> Master. Gemfile.lock update

* Switch from slim to full ruby base image

* Lock Sinatra to version 3.x

* Google-Protobuf updated to newsest 3.x

* Puma gem version fixed back to 6.x

* Remove unnecessary pg_partman references

* Remove offending Gemfile comment

* Fixed Robocop code style offense

* Build fixes

* Fix for new Rubocop rules

* switch to focal for ship:docker

* revert ship:docker

* revertrevert ship:docker

* Modifing migration script to add possibility to execute more that one… (#270)

* Q3 maintenance (#269)

* ensuring sharding policy is set in rabbitmq

* rubocop

* sharding update

* removed default api port

* rubocop fix

* Modifing migration script to add possibility to execute more that one migratioon script.

* archive fixes ship:docker

* temp dis

* rubocop


Co-authored-by: Murtaza Khan <104836571+murtaza-swati@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Sebastian Karpeta <sebastian@assmebla.com>
Co-authored-by: GbArc <gabriel.arczynski@devtactics.net>

* fix ship:docker


Co-authored-by: Damian Szymanski <damian@assembla.com>
Co-authored-by: gabriel-arc <57348209+GbArc@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: gabriel-arc <gabriel@travis-ci.org>
Co-authored-by: adam.zielinski@devtactics.net <adam.zielinski@devtactics.net>
Co-authored-by: GbArc <gabriel.arczynski@devtactics.net>
Co-authored-by: SebastianKarpetaDev <161722641+SebastianKarpetaDev@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Murtaza Khan <104836571+murtaza-swati@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Sebastian Karpeta <sebastian@assmebla.com>

Dominik avatar Dominik

Pull request event #4158.2 passed

  • Ran for
no language set
language: ruby
rvm: 3.2.2
dist: xenial

  bundler: true
  - ${HOME}/perl5
  - ${HOME}/.cache

    - PATH=/snap/bin:$PATH

  - stage: "Testing time"
    - redis
    - rabbitmq
      postgresql: 11
        - postgresql-server-dev-11
    - script/install-sqitch
    - script/install-partman
    - eval "$(perl -I ~/perl5/lib/perl5/ '-Mlocal::lib')"
    - bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle'
    - gem install bundler
    - sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib-10
    - sudo systemctl start postgresql
    - sudo systemctl start redis-server
    - bundle exec rake setup
  - stage: ":ship: it to quay.io"
    dist: focal
    language: bash
    script: make ship
    if: (branch = master and type = push ) OR commit_message =~ /ship:docker/ OR env(SHIP_DOCKER) = true
Build Config
  "language": "ruby",
  "os": [
  "dist": "xenial",
  "rvm": [
  "cache": {
    "bundler": true,
    "directories": [
  "env": {
    "global": [
        "PATH": "/snap/bin:$PATH"
  "jobs": {
    "include": [
        "stage": "Testing time",
        "services": [
        "addons": {
          "postgresql": "11",
          "apt": {
            "packages": [
        "before_install": [
          "eval \"$(perl -I ~/perl5/lib/perl5/ '-Mlocal::lib')\"",
          "bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle'",
          "gem install bundler"
        "before_script": [
          "sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib-10",
          "sudo systemctl start postgresql",
          "sudo systemctl start redis-server",
          "bundle exec rake setup"
        "stage": ":ship: it to quay.io",
        "dist": "focal",
        "language": "shell",
        "script": [
          "make ship"
        "if": "(branch = master and type = push ) OR commit_message =~ /ship:docker/ OR env(SHIP_DOCKER) = true"