build build branch=build; source=; env="VERSION=3.2.5 ALIAS=3.2" 2…

API event #24470.1 passed

  • Ran for
Xcode: xcode9.4 C
Raw log
Scroll to End of Log
1Worker information
2hostname: b3392a44-508e-41d8-9749-5c75a8fce61b@1.worker-com-654b68849d-9s246.macstadium-prod-2
3version: deploy_2024.10.02-2-gc32b553
4instance: aec9ca59-3b2f-48f0-b460-095ffcacc6aa travis-ci-macos10.13-xcode9.4.1-19-1576204381 (via amqp)
5startup: 1m7.64285885s
7Build system information
8Build language: c
9Build id: 272816547
10Job id: 627312062
11Runtime kernel version: 17.7.0
12VM: default
13travis-build version: 6b157a1c
14Build image provisioning date and time
15Fri Dec 13 04:54:58 GMT 2019
16Operating System Details
17ProductName: Mac OS X
18ProductVersion: 10.13.6
19BuildVersion: 17G65
20Git version
21git version 2.24.1
22bash version
23GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin17)
24Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
25GCC version
26Apple LLVM version 9.1.0 (clang-902.0.39.2)
27Target: x86_64-apple-darwin17.7.0
28Thread model: posix
29InstalledDir: /Applications/
30LLVM version
31Apple LLVM version 9.1.0 (clang-902.0.39.2)
32Target: x86_64-apple-darwin17.7.0
33Thread model: posix
34InstalledDir: /Applications/
35Pre-installed Ruby versions
37Pre-installed Node.js versions
45mvn -version
46Apache Maven 3.6.3 (cecedd343002696d0abb50b32b541b8a6ba2883f)
47Maven home: /usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec
48Java version: 13.0.1, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-13.0.1.jdk/Contents/Home
49Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
50OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.13.6", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"
540.04s0.40s$ git clone --depth=50 --branch=build travis-ci/travis-rubies
55Cloning into 'travis-ci/travis-rubies'...
56$ cd travis-ci/travis-rubies
57$ git checkout -qf c9c17c425ceff3c0de9baba891001e308d1f4b56
60Setting environment variables from repository settings
61$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=[secure]
62$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=[secure]
63$ export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=[secure]
64$ export SAFE_RVM_VERSION=1.29.7
66Setting environment variables from .travis.yml
67$ export VERSION=3.2.5
68$ export ALIAS=3.2
70$ export TRAVIS_COMPILER=gcc
71$ export CC=${CC:-gcc}
72$ export CC_FOR_BUILD=${CC_FOR_BUILD:-gcc}
73$ export PATH=/usr/lib/ccache:$PATH
74Setting up build cache
75$ export CASHER_DIR=${TRAVIS_HOME}/.casher
760.11s$ Installing caching utilities
770.01s3.12sattempting to download cache archive
78fetching build/cache-x86_64-osx-xcode9.4-e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855--compiler-gcc.tgz
79fetching build/cache-osx-xcode9.4-e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855--compiler-gcc.tgz
80fetching build/cache--compiler-gcc.tgz
81could not download cache
820.01s4.02sadding /usr/local/Cellar/python to cache
83/usr/local/opt/python is a symbolic link to ../Cellar/python/3.7.5; not following
860.01s2.67sadding /Users/travis/.ccache to cache
87creating directory /Users/travis/.ccache
88$ gcc --version
89Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/ --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.2.1
90Apple LLVM version 9.1.0 (clang-902.0.39.2)
91Target: x86_64-apple-darwin17.7.0
92Thread model: posix
93InstalledDir: /Applications/
940.02s$ sw_vers
95ProductName: Mac OS X
96ProductVersion: 10.13.6
97BuildVersion: 17G65
980.01s$ unset JRUBY_OPTS
99The command "unset JRUBY_OPTS" exited with 0.
1000.01s$ test -f ~/.rvmrc && cat ~/.rvmrc || true
102The command "test -f ~/.rvmrc && cat ~/.rvmrc || true" exited with 0.
103$ ./
104update rvm
1052.04s$ rvm remove 1.8.7
106ruby-1.8.7-head - #already gone
107Using /Users/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3
110pub rsa4096 2014-10-28 [SC]
111 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
112uid [ unknown] Michal Papis (RVM signing) <>
113uid [ unknown] Michal Papis <>
114uid [ unknown] [jpeg image of size 5015]
115sub rsa2048 2015-11-02 [E]
117pub rsa4096 2016-11-11 [SC]
118 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB
119uid [ unknown] Piotr Kuczynski <>
120sub rsa4096 2016-11-11 [E]
122gpg: key 3804BB82D39DC0E3: 47 signatures not checked due to missing keys
123gpg: key 3804BB82D39DC0E3: "Michal Papis (RVM signing) <>" not changed
124gpg: Total number processed: 1
125gpg: unchanged: 1
1260.56s$ rvm reload
127Warning! PATH is not properly set up, /Users/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/bin is not at first place.
128 <log>Usually this is caused by shell initialization files. Search for <code>PATH=...</code> entries.
129 You can also re-add RVM to your profile by running: <code>rvm get stable --auto-dotfiles</code>
130 To fix it temporarily in this shell session run: <code>rvm use ruby-2.6.3</code>
131 To ignore this error add <code>rvm_silence_path_mismatch_check_flag=1</code> to your <code>~/.rvmrc</code> file.
132RVM reloaded!
134gpg: key 105BD0E739499BDB: "Piotr Kuczynski <>" not changed
135gpg: Total number processed: 1
136gpg: unchanged: 1
137gpg: key 3804BB82D39DC0E3: 47 signatures not checked due to missing keys
138gpg: key 3804BB82D39DC0E3: "Michal Papis (RVM signing) <>" not changed
139gpg: Total number processed: 1
140gpg: unchanged: 1
1410.44s$: command not found
144gpg: Signature made Fri Jan 15 18:46:22 2021 GMT
145gpg: using RSA key 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB
146gpg: Good signature from "Piotr Kuczynski <>" [unknown]
147gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
148gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
149Primary key fingerprint: 7D2B AF1C F37B 13E2 069D 6956 105B D0E7 3949 9BDB
150GPG verified '/Users/travis/.rvm/archives/rvm-1.29.12.tgz'
151Upgrading the RVM installation in /Users/travis/.rvm/
152Upgrade of RVM in /Users/travis/.rvm/ is complete.
154<warn>Thanks for installing RVM 🙏</warn>
155Please consider donating to our open collective to help us maintain RVM.
157👉 Donate: <code></code>
160: command not found
1610.44s$ rvm reset
162Warning! PATH is not properly set up, /Users/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/bin is not at first place.
163 <log>Usually this is caused by shell initialization files. Search for <code>PATH=...</code> entries.
164 You can also re-add RVM to your profile by running: <code>rvm get stable --auto-dotfiles</code>
165 To fix it temporarily in this shell session run: <code>rvm use ruby-2.6.3</code>
166 To ignore this error add <code>rvm_silence_path_mismatch_check_flag=1</code> to your <code>~/.rvmrc</code> file.
1680.35s$ rvm use --install 2.4.2
169Warning! PATH is not properly set up, /Users/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/bin is not at first place.
170 <log>Usually this is caused by shell initialization files. Search for <code>PATH=...</code> entries.
171 You can also re-add RVM to your profile by running: <code>rvm get stable --auto-dotfiles</code>
172 To fix it temporarily in this shell session run: <code>rvm use ruby-2.6.3</code>
173 To ignore this error add <code>rvm_silence_path_mismatch_check_flag=1</code> to your <code>~/.rvmrc</code> file.
174RVM is not a function, selecting rubies with 'rvm use ...' will not work.
176You need to change your terminal emulator preferences to allow login shell.
177Sometimes it is required to use `/bin/bash --login` as the command.
178Please visit for an example.
1810.74s$ rvm cleanup all
182Warning! PATH is not properly set up, /Users/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/bin is not at first place.
183 <log>Usually this is caused by shell initialization files. Search for <code>PATH=...</code> entries.
184 You can also re-add RVM to your profile by running: <code>rvm get stable --auto-dotfiles</code>
185 To fix it temporarily in this shell session run: <code>rvm use ruby-2.6.3</code>
186 To ignore this error add <code>rvm_silence_path_mismatch_check_flag=1</code> to your <code>~/.rvmrc</code> file.
187Cleaning up rvm archives
188Cleaning up rvm repos
189Cleaning up rvm src
190Cleaning up rvm log
191Cleaning up rvm tmp
192Cleaning up rvm gemsets
193Cleaning up rvm links
194Cleanup done.
197clean up meta data
200set up env for rvm
2010.19s$ source /Users/travis/.rvm/scripts/rvm
2030.01s$ unset DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
2050.01s$ export rvm_git_clone_depth=1
2083.74s$ install_autoconf
209/tmp ~/build/travis-ci/travis-rubies
210--2024-10-21 13:31:02--
211Resolving (
212Connecting to (||:80... connected.
213HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
214Length: 2143794 (2.0M) [application/x-gzip]
215Saving to: ‘autoconf-latest.tar.gz’
217 0K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 2% 759K 3s
218 50K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 4% 1.75M 2s
219 100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 7% 20.6M 1s
220 150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 9% 1.85M 1s
221 200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 11% 15.6M 1s
222 250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 14% 25.4M 1s
223 300K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 16% 2.26M 1s
224 350K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 19% 34.1M 1s
225 400K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 21% 10.9M 1s
226 450K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 23% 34.2M 0s
227 500K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 26% 3.01M 0s
228 550K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 28% 9.65M 0s
229 600K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 31% 1.22M 0s
230 650K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 33% 47.1M 0s
231 700K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 35% 35.1M 0s
232 750K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 38% 37.8M 0s
233 800K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 40% 40.6M 0s
234 850K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 42% 40.9M 0s
235 900K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 45% 46.5M 0s
236 950K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 47% 41.5M 0s
237 1000K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 50% 12.1M 0s
238 1050K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 52% 3.22M 0s
239 1100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 54% 37.0M 0s
240 1150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 57% 48.4M 0s
241 1200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 59% 24.8M 0s
242 1250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 62% 32.9M 0s
243 1300K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 64% 35.1M 0s
244 1350K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 66% 34.8M 0s
245 1400K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 69% 43.0M 0s
246 1450K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 71% 34.6M 0s
247 1500K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 74% 2.80M 0s
248 1550K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 76% 1.54M 0s
249 1600K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 78% 38.0M 0s
250 1650K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 81% 38.1M 0s
251 1700K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 83% 33.4M 0s
252 1750K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 85% 32.8M 0s
253 1800K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 88% 34.9M 0s
254 1850K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 90% 37.5M 0s
255 1900K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 93% 36.4M 0s
256 1950K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 95% 29.2M 0s
257 2000K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 97% 31.3M 0s
258 2050K .......... .......... .......... .......... ... 100% 39.3M=0.3s
2602024-10-21 13:31:03 (6.40 MB/s) - ‘autoconf-latest.tar.gz’ saved [2143794/2143794]
262x autoconf-2.72/
263x autoconf-2.72/.prev-version
264x autoconf-2.72/.tarball-version
265x autoconf-2.72/.version
266x autoconf-2.72/AUTHORS
267x autoconf-2.72/BUGS
268x autoconf-2.72/COPYING
269x autoconf-2.72/COPYING.EXCEPTION
270x autoconf-2.72/COPYINGv3
271x autoconf-2.72/ChangeLog
272x autoconf-2.72/ChangeLog.0
273x autoconf-2.72/ChangeLog.1
274x autoconf-2.72/ChangeLog.2
275x autoconf-2.72/ChangeLog.3
276x autoconf-2.72/GNUmakefile
277x autoconf-2.72/INSTALL
278x autoconf-2.72/
279x autoconf-2.72/
280x autoconf-2.72/NEWS
281x autoconf-2.72/README
282x autoconf-2.72/THANKS
283x autoconf-2.72/TODO
284x autoconf-2.72/aclocal.m4
285x autoconf-2.72/bin/
286x autoconf-2.72/bin/
287x autoconf-2.72/bin/
288x autoconf-2.72/bin/
289x autoconf-2.72/bin/
290x autoconf-2.72/bin/
291x autoconf-2.72/bin/
292x autoconf-2.72/bin/
293x autoconf-2.72/bin/
294x autoconf-2.72/build-aux/
295x autoconf-2.72/build-aux/announce-gen
296x autoconf-2.72/build-aux/config.guess
297x autoconf-2.72/build-aux/config.sub
298x autoconf-2.72/build-aux/
299x autoconf-2.72/build-aux/git-version-gen
300x autoconf-2.72/build-aux/gitlog-to-changelog
301x autoconf-2.72/build-aux/gnupload
302x autoconf-2.72/build-aux/
303x autoconf-2.72/build-aux/install-sh
304x autoconf-2.72/build-aux/mdate-sh
305x autoconf-2.72/build-aux/missing
306x autoconf-2.72/build-aux/texinfo.tex
307x autoconf-2.72/
308x autoconf-2.72/configure
309x autoconf-2.72/
310x autoconf-2.72/doc/
311x autoconf-2.72/doc/
312x autoconf-2.72/doc/autoconf.texi
313x autoconf-2.72/doc/fdl.texi
314x autoconf-2.72/doc/gendocs_template
315x autoconf-2.72/doc/gnu-oids.texi
316x autoconf-2.72/doc/install.texi
317x autoconf-2.72/doc/
318x autoconf-2.72/doc/make-stds.texi
319x autoconf-2.72/doc/stamp-vti
320x autoconf-2.72/doc/
321x autoconf-2.72/doc/standards.texi
322x autoconf-2.72/doc/version.texi
323x autoconf-2.72/lib/
324x autoconf-2.72/lib/Autom4te/
325x autoconf-2.72/lib/Autom4te/
326x autoconf-2.72/lib/Autom4te/
327x autoconf-2.72/lib/Autom4te/
328x autoconf-2.72/lib/Autom4te/
329x autoconf-2.72/lib/Autom4te/
330x autoconf-2.72/lib/Autom4te/
331x autoconf-2.72/lib/Autom4te/
332x autoconf-2.72/lib/Autom4te/
333x autoconf-2.72/lib/Autom4te/
334x autoconf-2.72/lib/Autom4te/
335x autoconf-2.72/lib/autoconf/
336x autoconf-2.72/lib/autoconf/autoconf.m4
337x autoconf-2.72/lib/autoconf/autoheader.m4
338x autoconf-2.72/lib/autoconf/autoscan.m4
339x autoconf-2.72/lib/autoconf/autotest.m4
340x autoconf-2.72/lib/autoconf/autoupdate.m4
341x autoconf-2.72/lib/autoconf/c.m4
342x autoconf-2.72/lib/autoconf/erlang.m4
343x autoconf-2.72/lib/autoconf/fortran.m4
344x autoconf-2.72/lib/autoconf/functions.m4
345x autoconf-2.72/lib/autoconf/general.m4
346x autoconf-2.72/lib/autoconf/go.m4
347x autoconf-2.72/lib/autoconf/headers.m4
348x autoconf-2.72/lib/autoconf/lang.m4
349x autoconf-2.72/lib/autoconf/libs.m4
350x autoconf-2.72/lib/autoconf/oldnames.m4
351x autoconf-2.72/lib/autoconf/programs.m4
352x autoconf-2.72/lib/autoconf/specific.m4
353x autoconf-2.72/lib/autoconf/status.m4
354x autoconf-2.72/lib/autoconf/trailer.m4
355x autoconf-2.72/lib/autoconf/types.m4
356x autoconf-2.72/lib/
357x autoconf-2.72/lib/autoscan/
358x autoconf-2.72/lib/autoscan/autoscan.pre
359x autoconf-2.72/lib/autotest/
360x autoconf-2.72/lib/autotest/autotest.m4
361x autoconf-2.72/lib/autotest/general.m4
362x autoconf-2.72/lib/autotest/specific.m4
363x autoconf-2.72/lib/emacs/
364x autoconf-2.72/lib/emacs/autoconf-mode.el
365x autoconf-2.72/lib/emacs/autotest-mode.el
366x autoconf-2.72/lib/
367x autoconf-2.72/lib/
368x autoconf-2.72/lib/m4sugar/
369x autoconf-2.72/lib/m4sugar/foreach.m4
370x autoconf-2.72/lib/m4sugar/m4sh.m4
371x autoconf-2.72/lib/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4
372x autoconf-2.72/lib/
373x autoconf-2.72/m4/
374x autoconf-2.72/m4/autobuild.m4
375x autoconf-2.72/m4/m4.m4
376x autoconf-2.72/m4/make-case.m4
377x autoconf-2.72/
378x autoconf-2.72/man/
379x autoconf-2.72/man/autoconf.1
380x autoconf-2.72/man/autoconf.w
381x autoconf-2.72/man/autoconf.x
382x autoconf-2.72/man/autoheader.1
383x autoconf-2.72/man/autoheader.w
384x autoconf-2.72/man/autoheader.x
385x autoconf-2.72/man/autom4te.1
386x autoconf-2.72/man/autom4te.w
387x autoconf-2.72/man/autom4te.x
388x autoconf-2.72/man/autoreconf.1
389x autoconf-2.72/man/autoreconf.w
390x autoconf-2.72/man/autoreconf.x
391x autoconf-2.72/man/autoscan.1
392x autoconf-2.72/man/autoscan.w
393x autoconf-2.72/man/autoscan.x
394x autoconf-2.72/man/autoupdate.1
395x autoconf-2.72/man/autoupdate.w
396x autoconf-2.72/man/autoupdate.x
397x autoconf-2.72/man/common.x
398x autoconf-2.72/man/ifnames.1
399x autoconf-2.72/man/ifnames.w
400x autoconf-2.72/man/ifnames.x
401x autoconf-2.72/man/
402x autoconf-2.72/tests/
403x autoconf-2.72/tests/
404x autoconf-2.72/tests/
405x autoconf-2.72/tests/
406x autoconf-2.72/tests/
407x autoconf-2.72/tests/
408x autoconf-2.72/tests/
409x autoconf-2.72/tests/data/
410x autoconf-2.72/tests/data/ax_prog_cc_for_build_v18.m4
411x autoconf-2.72/tests/data/ax_prog_cxx_for_build_v3.m4
412x autoconf-2.72/tests/data/gnulib_std_gnu11_2020_08_17.m4
413x autoconf-2.72/tests/
414x autoconf-2.72/tests/
415x autoconf-2.72/tests/
416x autoconf-2.72/tests/
417x autoconf-2.72/tests/
418x autoconf-2.72/tests/
419x autoconf-2.72/tests/
420x autoconf-2.72/tests/
421x autoconf-2.72/tests/
422x autoconf-2.72/tests/
423x autoconf-2.72/tests/statesave.m4
424x autoconf-2.72/tests/
425x autoconf-2.72/tests/
426x autoconf-2.72/tests/
427x autoconf-2.72/tests/
428/tmp/autoconf-2.72 /tmp ~/build/travis-ci/travis-rubies
429checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/local/bin/ginstall -c
430checking whether build environment is sane... yes
431checking for a race-free mkdir -p... /usr/local/bin/gmkdir -p
432checking for gawk... no
433checking for mawk... no
434checking for nawk... no
435checking for awk... awk
436checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
437checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
438checking build system type... x86_64-apple-darwin17.7.0
439checking host system type... x86_64-apple-darwin17.7.0
440configure: autobuild project... GNU Autoconf
441configure: autobuild revision... 2.72
442configure: autobuild hostname... Traviss-Mac-6.local
443configure: autobuild timestamp... 20241021T133104Z
444checking for a shell whose -n mode is known to work... /bin/sh
445checking for characters that cannot appear in file names... none
446checking whether directories can have trailing spaces... yes
447checking for expr... /bin/expr
448checking for GNU M4 that supports accurate traces... configure: error: no acceptable m4 could be found in $PATH.
449GNU M4 1.4.8 or later is required; 1.4.16 or newer is recommended.
450GNU M4 1.4.15 uses a buggy replacement strstr on some systems.
451Glibc 2.9 - 2.12 and GNU M4 1.4.11 - 1.4.15 have another strstr bug.
452There seems to be no Makefile in this directory.
453You must run ./configure before running '/Applications/'.
454make: *** [abort-due-to-no-makefile] Error 1
455There seems to be no Makefile in this directory.
456You must run ./configure before running '/Applications/'.
457make: *** [abort-due-to-no-makefile] Error 1
458/tmp ~/build/travis-ci/travis-rubies
461OSX specific setup
4620.35s$ rvm autolibs homebrew
463Warning! PATH is not properly set up, /Users/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/bin is not at first place.
464 <log>Usually this is caused by shell initialization files. Search for <code>PATH=...</code> entries.
465 You can also re-add RVM to your profile by running: <code>rvm get stable --auto-dotfiles</code>
466 To fix it temporarily in this shell session run: <code>rvm use ruby-2.6.3</code>
467 To ignore this error add <code>rvm_silence_path_mismatch_check_flag=1</code> to your <code>~/.rvmrc</code> file.
469$ rvm use --install 2.4.2
470Warning! PATH is not properly set up, /Users/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/bin is not at first place.
471 <log>Usually this is caused by shell initialization files. Search for <code>PATH=...</code> entries.
472 You can also re-add RVM to your profile by running: <code>rvm get stable --auto-dotfiles</code>
473 To fix it temporarily in this shell session run: <code>rvm use ruby-2.6.3</code>
474 To ignore this error add <code>rvm_silence_path_mismatch_check_flag=1</code> to your <code>~/.rvmrc</code> file.
475Required ruby-2.4.2 is not installed - installing.
476Searching for binary rubies, this might take some time.
477Found remote file
478Checking requirements for osx_brew.
479Do not know how to check/install gcc 'gcc'.
480Updating certificates bundle '/usr/local/etc/openssl@1.1/cert.pem'
481Requirements installation successful.
482ruby-2.4.2 - #configure
483ruby-2.4.2 - #download
484 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
485 Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
486 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
487100 5495k 100 5495k 0 0 3568k 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 15.2M
488No checksum for downloaded archive, recording checksum in user configuration.
489ruby-2.4.2 - #validate archive
490ruby-2.4.2 - #extract
491ruby-2.4.2 - #validate binary
492Libraries missing for ruby-2.4.2: __rvm_ls. Refer to your system manual for installing libraries
493Mounting remote ruby failed with status 10, trying to compile.
494Checking requirements for osx_brew.
495Do not know how to check/install gcc 'gcc'.
496Certificates bundle '/usr/local/etc/openssl@1.1/cert.pem' is already up to date.
497Requirements installation successful.
498Warning: found user selected compiler 'gcc', this will suppress RVM auto detection mechanisms.
499Installing Ruby from source to: /Users/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.4.2, this may take a while depending on your cpu(s)...
500ruby-2.4.2 - #downloading ruby-2.4.2, this may take a while depending on your connection...
501 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
502 Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
503100 12.0M 100 12.0M 0 0 24.7M 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 24.6M
504ruby-2.4.2 - #extracting ruby-2.4.2 to /Users/travis/.rvm/src/ruby-2.4.2.....
505ruby-2.4.2 - #configuring............................................................